Dear Readers, For any disease early diagnosis is important to ensure that the patient gets quick treatment as much as possible. For malignant mesothelioma, early diagnosis is crucial as it impacts the survival rate.
Diagnosis of Mesothelioma
It is not easy to diagnose mesothelioma for patients or physicians. In addition to mesothelioma symptoms diagnosis includes the complete observation of physical examinations and the medical history of that person.
It also includes blood tests, scans, and biopsies. Specialists are uncovering the latest methods to aid the process of diagnosis.
Know about: Mesothelioma: Causes and Prevention of Mesothelioma Cancer
Imaging Techniques of Mesothelioma
A standard mesothelioma diagnostic includes affected area imaging, such as the abdomen, chest, and heart. Imaging studies themselves cannot definitively diagnose mesothelioma.
The study of imaging provides critical information that helps physicians rule out the mesothelioma diagnosis. It helps to determine the cancer stage and make future diagnose and the decision of the treatment.
Diagnosing Mesothelioma Image Test
An X-ray is always performed in the area of the problem of the patient. It helps to recognize any damage and helps to find the signs of mesothelioma, such as the buildup of fluid.
CT Scan
A computerized tomography scan series of images of X-ray to create a complete 3D image. This image helps to discover tumors easily. A CT scan is about 90% sensitive for recognizing malignant pleural mesothelioma.
PET Scan
Positron emission tomography is an imaging technique of nuclear medicine. PET is very useful at recognizing the tumor and to identify the difference if it is a malignant or benign disease.
Magnetic resonance imaging with powerful magnets to create 3D images of the high resolution of the internal anatomy of the patient.
The complete MRI images are useful for a biopsy planning or surgical remover of the mesothelioma cancer.
Biomarkers and Blood tests for Mesothelioma
Biomarkers test know as “assays,” which provides useful information and diagnose mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma produces substances like all other cancers, that are hard to find in the bloodstream. Physician tests for these kinds of substances in the blood of the patient and diagnose mesothelioma without any biopsy or surgery.
Examples of Biomarkers and Blood Tests
Mesomark: it helps to detect mesothelin fragments, a large amount of substance by malignant mesothelioma.
N-ERC: N-ERC/Mesothelin is a protein that will be found in the bloodstream of a mesothelioma patient.
Osteopontin: Osteopontin is a molecule that accumulates in different types of cancer, including mesothelioma.
Fibulin-3: fibulin-3 blood levels are found in people suffering from pleural mesothelioma. it also uses other types of testing to recognize malignant mesothelioma and differentiate from other diseases of the benign lung.
HMGBI: HMGBI protein test helps to identify mesothelioma and identify asbestos-exposed patients, but yet to develop mesothelioma.
Procedures of Mesothelioma Biopsy
At present, a biopsy procedure is the only way to diagnose the symptoms of mesothelioma in patients exposed to asbestos. Biopsy tests collect the cancerous tissue to examine under a microscope.
It helps to identify if the tumor is mesothelioma or any other type of cancer its stage and the course of treatment.
Read about: Mesothelioma Symptoms Stages and Early Detection
Mesothelioma Challenges in Diagnosing
Masothelioma is a rare disease and difficult to diagnose compared to other diseases. Many other factors made it challenging to diagnose mesothelioma.
Diagnosis and Latency Period
Mesothelioma is a rare condition and it takes a long time to diagnose. Even if the patient has mesothelioma symptoms it takes a long time for a physician to identify mesothelioma.
Misdiagnosis of Mesothelioma
This disease is rare so often it misdiagnoses, is asbestos exposure-related in the past, and can show symptoms that may be of any other diseases. Because of these factors, mesothelioma misdiagnose as abdominal or any other lung diseases such as:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Ovarian cancer
Crohn’s disease
Irritable bowel syndrome
Constrictive pericarditis
Heart failure
Coronary artery disease
Tuberculosis pericarditis
Pericardial synovial sarcoma
Medical Care Team
Once mesothelioma diagnoses the patient should get treatment by the physician who specializes in mesothelioma.
These include surgical oncologists, medical oncologists, thoracic surgeons, and pulmonologists. Only mesothelioma specialists can diagnose this disease comparing to other doctors.
Mesothelioma treatment
Most of the physicians diagnose mesothelioma by multimodality or trimodality therapy, which includes chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy.
Mesothelioma patients must participate in a clinical trial. These trials provide standard treatment of mesothelioma with a newer experimental therapy.
Let me know your views on the topic in the below mention comment box.
Hello Sazia,
Mesothelioma is considered as challenging to diagnose. The symptoms are often the same as those of other diseases and mesothelioma cells mesothelioma cells can look similar to other types of cancer cells.
The main risk factor for mesothelioma is working with asbestos. Mesothelioma has been reported in some individuals without any known exposure to asbestos.
You have putted here almost every facts regarding subject and it will very helpful for people to understand whole scenario pertaining to lethal mesothelioma.
Eventually, thanks for revealing a light on burning topic.
With best wishes,
Amar Kumar
Hi Amar, Mesothelioma is risky disease and difficult to diagnose on time. So prevention is better than cure. Thank you