Dear Readers, Recent studies stated that yoga can cure anxiety and depression, reduce stress impact and provide energy. Yoga is similar to meditation which relaxes the body and mind. Yoga involves different types of body poses, meditation and breathing techniques. The therapy is excellent to cure depression anxiety and stress, improves concentration and provides energy.
So many people follow yoga regularly to manage mental and emotional problems such as anxiety, stress, and depression.
It also cures health disorders like lower back pain or any other long term pain in any joint or part of the body. One can maintain overall health and well-being by performing yoga poses daily.
The Kaiser Permanente medical groups Dr. Mason Turner says, “yoga can be very powerful for depression treatment”.
The combination of yoga and meditation helps the person to clear their minds along with providing strength to the mind and body connection.
Yoga helps to increase the heart rate variability and the time difference between heartbeats, by relaxing the body and mind.
Yoga helps to reduce resting heart rate, lower the blood pressure, increase the pain tolerance and ease breathing.
Depression affects the brain which is the reaction of sadness, loss, etc. When this kind of feelings aggravates become harsh, it results in depression.
Depression Symptoms
Feeling of guilty, less concentration, things which you like don’t look good, thoughts of death and contemplate suicide, feeling of dullness and slow, sudden weight gain or lose weight. If someone feeling these symptoms continuously for 5/6 days it is depression.
Depression Causes
Someone emotionally attached to something for a long period of time and suddenly they lost it.
Hormone level fluctuation, mental and medical condition and high-stress level cause depression.
Before it becomes harsh it is necessary to tackle such problems. Yoga helps to lighten the mood and improve blood circulation to the brain. It also keeps the mood-elevating hormones enable state.
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1.Balasana to Cure Depression Anxiety and Stress
Balasana helps the brain to be calm and relieves anxiety and stress. It stretches hips and lowers back gently, which enables the body to get relax. This helps to overcome depression in a better way.
It is very easy to perform. Sit on the floor on your heels. Big toes must touch each other and keep the hands on your knees. Now bend the torso in between the thighs carefully. Place the forehead on the ground.
Place the arms on the sides of your head with the palms touching the ground. Stay in the same position for a few minutes.
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2.Sethu Bandhsana
Sethu bandhasana makes the body and heart feel ease and light. Lie down on the floor straight on your back. Keep the arms on either side with palms touching the ground. Fold the legs slowly at the knees. Keep the knees and ankles in a straight line.
Now carefully raise your back off the floor as much as possible. Stay in the same pose for few seconds or 2 minutes. While performing this yoga make sure the chest must touch the chin without bending it and thighs are parallel.
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3.Adho Mukha Svanasana
Downward-facing dog pose provides fresh blood to the body. It stretches the cervical spine and neck, which helps to relieve stress reduce anxiety and calm the mind.
Adho mukha svanasana provides strength to abdominal muscles and digestive system.
Come into the table position to get into the pose. Balance the body on the wrists and knees which forms the legs of the table and body must look like a table top.
While exhaling lift the knees upward carefully. Stretch the arms forward and palms must face the ground.
Lift the knees as much as possible and the body must form the shape like “V”. Back must be curved inward and head and neck must be aligned.
Push the tail bone as much as possible to provide stretch to the whole body. Stay in the same position for 1 or 2 minutes. start with 20 seconds. Come back to the normal position by reversing the steps.
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4.Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
This asana also called upward facing dog pose which is very powerful to cure depression and mild fatigue. It rejuvenates the whole body and vanishes the stress. It provides strength to the upper part of the body.
Lie on the floor straight with face down. Place the palms on the ground near the chest. Bring the palms near the ribs and carefully lift the torso off the ground.
Raise the head and keep the shoulders away from the ears. Stay in the same position for 2 minutes and come back to normal position.
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Standing forward fold pose relieves the tension of the shoulders, nack and back and strengthen the nervous system function. It helps to improve blood circulation.
Stand straight on the ground placing the arms on the hip. Carefully fold the body and bend forward at the hips. Place the arms beside the feet by keeping the thighs straight.
Make sure that the head and chest touch the thighs while performing this yoga. Stay in this yoga pose for 2 minutes and come back to the normal position.
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Plow pose enhances the posture and reduces body strain. It helps to calm the brain, nervous system and reduce anxiety and stress. It prevents insomnia and headache and beneficial for overall health.
Lie straight on the floor on your back. Keep the arms alongside the body and lift the legs upward making the 90-degree angle. Hol the hips with the help of hands for support. Lift the hips carefully towards the chest.
Slowly stretch the legs and take them over the head and place the toes on the ground. Thighs must be straight and place the arms forward in straight position palms must face the ground. Stay in this pose for 1 minute and come back to normal position.
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Corpse pose helps the body to get relax and rejuvenate it. It cures blood pressure and calms the body and mind.
Lie on the floor straight on the back. Place the hands alongside the body palms must face upward. Keep the legs a few inches apart and leave them sideways.
Close the eyes and leave the body loose and relaxed. Take a normal and slow breath and stay in the same position for 5 minutes.
Note: If any health problem, before practicing any yoga consult your doctor. Always start yoga with less duration then increase the time day by day.
Leave your feedback and tips on the topic.
Hey Sazia,
Now-a-days, Depression and anxiety disorders among people can be experience commonly.
Regular yoga practice really helps you to stay calm and relaxed in daily life and can also give you the strength to face events as they come without getting restless. I had anxiety disorder past year.
I underwent anxiety treatment along with regular practice of yoga and meditation for about five months and finally I realized it really works.
Eventually, thanks for sharing these amazing yoga poses to stay healthy in native life.
With best wishes,
Amar Kumar
Hi Amar, Thanks for sharing your experience with us about yoga. Keep visiting.