Dear Readers, In case your routine hasn’t evolved beyond shaving using a razor and cleansing your face with a cleanser. It’s the perfect time you made some changes to your skin care. Keep these tips handy in order to naturally prevent zits, wrinkles and greasy skin. The primary differences between men and women’s skin include things like texture and hydration, collagen density. That is the reason men’s skincare products are manufactured in different ways as compared to any women’s skin care products.
1. Cleaning the face twice a day:
Natural skin cleansers work best and form an essential part of a man’s everyday skincare routine. The real truth about men’s skin is that it is really a lot oilier than women’s skin, due to the high testosterone levels. They generally have increased oil production and consequently, much more skin problems. It is very important to wash the face twice daily, with an excellent quality, natural soap-free cleanser which usually balances the actual oil production and cleanses deeply.
2. Hydrate and load up your skin with anti-oxidants:
By using a daily moisturizer really helps to hydrate the skin and provides it an instant moisture boost. Ensure that your moisturizer is rich in anti-oxidants which help to shield against free radicals and environmental damage. Try active plant ingredients such as a light aloe vera gel based moisturizer, which works best naturally by hydrating the skin and protecting the puss up against the damaging, age-accelerating effects of UVA and UVB rays and seal moisture into the pores and skin.
3. Target your eye area:
The skin around your eyes is thin and more sensitive than the rest of the face, leaving it prone to wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles. By maintaining the skin around your eyes moisturized and hydrated you will help in lowering puffiness and minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles. A natural eye serum will help you to achieve this, protecting and soothing the delicate eye area whilst immediately tightening and firming.
4. Exfoliate The Skin:
Getting rid of the dead skin cells by way of purely natural scrubbing is usually important. Men should generally go for deep exfoliation once in every Three days or search for a men’s salon once per week for professional exfoliation. Purely natural glow could only be achieved if you get rid of the older dead cells and nourish younger skin cells.
5. Wear Sunscreen lotion Every day:
Never forget to use it! Probably the most common reasons for wrinkles and premature aging is actually sunning exposure and damage. Using a daily SPF cream will significantly help the skin within the fight against aging as well as reduce the risk of UV-induced skin damage.
Note: The thoughts expressed in this particular article are the individual opinions of the author. The author is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. Before using any product check if it is suitable for your skin or not. Always chose the herbal product or branded product to get natural beauty.
Let me know your feedback on the topic in the below comments.
Such a nice blog. I have dark circle around my eyes and tired of using many things like lemon, onions, rose water however it goes for a while and return eventually.
Hi, Thanks for visiting, We have to apply this every day when one get rid of it need to apply once in a week to prevent.
Hi Sazia,
My skin get dark in the every winter. I am gonna try your tips. After getting the result, of course I will inform you. Will you tell me please, is this seasonal problem removable?
Hi Sadhan Pal, Yes it is removable. You can try it. Thank you.
Great tip on the eye serum. I need to get better about using some regularly.
Hi Elise mam, Thanks for visiting and for your feedback.
Hi Sazia,
Uh, I guess I’m too old for all these lovely skin care tips. Basically, I shave and wash my face during my daily showers. Must be working cause I’m one handsome old Dude!
Hi Edward sir, Thanks for visiting and for your lovely feedback.