Dear Readers, Today the topic is Tomato Health and Disease Cure Remedies, Pimples and Complexion, Acidity Problem, Obesity Cure, Diabetes Cure. Urinary Disorders Cure, Eye Disorders Cure, Respiratory Disorders. Intestine and Liver Disorders, Painful Joints-Arthritis. Let’s know Tomato Health and Obesity Diabetes and Other Diseases Cure Remedies.
The tomato is one of the most important vegetable in the world. It is short-lived plant with vigorous tap root, extensive fibrous roots, solid hairy stem and oval leaves. The tomato is round fleshy, pink or yellow, furrowed, red and slightly curved seeds. Tomato has nutritional and health giving qualities.
Tomato contains water, fat, protein, fibre, minerals, carbohydrates, phosphorus, calcium, iron, vitamin C and vitamin B complex.
Curative Properties in Tomato
Tomato cures diseases and open natural channels of the body. It is stimulant for kidneys and wash away toxins. Ripe tomatoes are best as their vitamin content increase when they ripe. Raw tomato juice has alkaline reaction, when it get digest in concentrated form.
Pimples and Complexion
Tomato can be used as cosmetic in external form. Apply on face and wash off after 1 hour with light hot water. It removes pimples and give good complexion.
Acidity Problem
Tomato increases the blood alkaline and decreases urine and neutralizes the acid compounds of the body. It is excellent remedy for the treatment of acidity.
Obesity Cure
Morning 4 tomatoes in place of breakfast for 6 months or till weight gets reduce. It is beneficial remedy to lose weight it also provide essential food elements to preserve the health.
Diabetes Cure
It is good for diabetic patients and for the people wants to reduce their body. It control sugar in the urine of diabetic patients.
Urinary Disorders Cure
Eat tomato early in the morning daily as it prevents the urine calculi or stone formation. It also prevents urine infection.
Eye Disorders Cure
Tomato is rich in vitamin A. It prevents from diseases which is caused by deficiency of vitamins like night blindness, short sight and other eye diseases. Leaves of tomato are useful in eye weakness and optic nerve. Soak tomato leaves in hot water for 15 minutes. Strain and take a spoon full before meals three times daily.
Respiratory Disorders
Mix a pinch of cardamom seeds powder, honey in a glass full of tomato juice. Take three garlic cloves peel and swallow and take this juice before going to bed every day. It is beneficial in the treatment of lung infections, tuberculosis and asthma. It increases resistance power.
Intestine and Liver Disorders
Mix salt and pepper in tomato juice and take full glass early morning daily. It cures sickness, sluggishness, biliousness, diminishes. Additionally responsiveness of the liver, indigestion, jaundice, formation of gas in the intestines. And also cures diarrhea, constipation, indigestion burning, burning sensation in the chest.
Painful Joints-Arthritis
The juice of tomato plant including leaves mix in till oil. Heat till water gets evaporate and preserve oil in a jar. Massage joints with this oil daily gives a great relief.
Note: If any serious health problem please consult to your doctor immediately. The above tips should follow Under the guidance of your health-care practitioner.
So, these were the tips on Tomato Health and Disease Cure Remedies. What are your views on the topic? Do let me know in the comments. If you like this article please share and rate it. I will come back with new posts for Health, Recipes and Herbal Beauty tips soon.
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