Dear Readers, Cucumber is a vegetable that is often used as fresh vegetables. This vegetable, which has an oval shape and is whitish-green, has a distinctive and fresh taste because it contains a lot of water. Cucumber is delicious eaten raw or cooked. Not only does it taste good but also has ...
Herbal Beautician Course-Kitchen A Treasure Trove Exfoliate-Soften-Closes Pores-Tan-Rejuvenate-Blemishes-Shadows Treatment for Men and Women
Dear Readers, The Egyptians had prepared for all parts of the body. Ancient Egyptian women improved and used different cosmetics made of earth’s bounty. Nature gift is very helpful to enhance your assets and improve drawbacks. Beauty and health are intertwined. Use of natural beauty aids and ...
Herbal Beautician Course-Skin Problems-Rejuvenate with Yellow lentil
Dear Readers, The global mantra of today’s beauty care is “Back to nature”. One can enhance their beauty by nature itself. Too beauty care stemmed from nature in ancient times. They use to make perfume from natural flowers, barks and scented wood mixed together in oil and kept to mature. When ...
Herbal Beautician Course-Skin Problems-Rejuvenate with Wheat Husk
Dear Readers, Some types of skin need more exhaustive cleansing routine. These are required to rejuvenate your skin. Exfoliates are helpful to get rid of skin problems and dead skin cells. Exfoliate stimulates the skin, and helpful to get rid of dead skin cells, lines, and wrinkles. It should be ...