Dear Readers, Is shedding extra weight off your body challenge? With healthy lifestyle and healthy habits extra weight come off Charles Weller in his book“. The new way to live with Diabetes” says that weight control and reduction can bring this disease to curable stage and closer to complete ...
Diabetes Diet
Diabetes Diet-Avoid Tea-Coffee and Alcohol to control Diabetes
Dear Readers, Eating more vegetables is good for health and it’s especially good for Diabetic patients. It’s not only healthy but also provides lots of vitamins and minerals to the body. Vegetables are low in calories and some vegetable contains fibre which is beneficial for diabetes. To know ...
Diabetes Diet-Avoid Meat and White Salt to control Diabetes
Dear Readers, Who said the diabetic food is boring? In diabetic diet, there are different varieties as in any other diet. Plan a little to make eating rich and satisfying. Make your food varied and rich without disturbing proportions of fats, proteins carbohydrates. To know about Diabetes ...
Diabetes Diet-Avoid Fats and White Flour to control Diabetes
Dear Readers, Fat consumption influence the body weight and blood cholesterol levels. Fat intake should avoid as cholesterol leads to diabetes. Saturated animal fat is very harmful to diabetes. Polyunsaturated fats, which is available in vegetables are lower resistance diabetes. To know ...
Diabetes Diet-Treatment through Buttermilk-Flour-Sour Fruits Remedies
Dear Readers, Fats are consumed both from invisible and visible sources, from butter and oil are visible fat. Let's learn Diabetes Diet-Treatment through Buttermilk-Flour-Sour Fruits Remedies. We get fats from pulses, cereals, milk and milk products, meat, eggs, and nuts are call as invisible ...
Diabetes Diet-Treatment through Soyabean-Tomato-Almond and Banana Remedies
Dear Readers, Research has shown diabetic patient needs to avoid intake of calorie approximately 1500 or less per day and need to follow a diet with 60 percent carbohydrates, 15 percent protein and 25 percent fat which is beneficial and helpful to control their blood sugar level. Carbohydrate ...
Diabetes Diet-Treatment through Kidney French Bean-Onion Remedies
Dear Readers, Healthier eating habit is the first step towards fighting diabetes. All it requires simple changes in your eating habits and food. Need to eat more fruits and vegetables, grains and beans etc. Medical research has shown low-fat high-carbohydrate diet, an adequate protein with an ...
Diabetes Diet-Treatment through Grapefruit-Jambul fruit Remedies
Dear Readers, Your diet provide nutrients like minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins the major energy sources to the body. Let's know about Diabetes Diet-Treatment through Grapefruit-Jambul fruit Remedies. These energy sources broken down inside the body to release, the energy tiny ...
Diabetes Diet-Treatment through Broccoli-Curd-Yoghurt and Garlic
Dear Readers, what you eat can help to maintain weight and your health in an ideal range which is helpful to lose weight and improve insulin effectiveness in your body. Know about Diabetes Diet-Treatment through Broccoli-Curd-Yoghurt and Garlic. It also helps to prevent cardiovascular disease. Diet ...
Diabetes Diet-Treatment through Fruits and Vegetables Remedies-2
Dear Readers, Diabetes Diet, and disease are inseparable. Your health is depending on what you eat. Diabetes Diet-Treatment through Fruits and Vegetable Remedies-2. Health experts and nutritionists agreed that nutritious food leads to good health habits, vitality, and energy. Paying attention to ...