Dear Readers, In this modern lifestyle between the busy schedules and number of professional and personal commitments, sleep has become a luxury, which cannot be afforded by everyone. Experts around the world stated the need for 7-8 hours of sleep every day. But the cases of insomnia and sleep deprivation, amongst youngsters are increasing day by day.
The importance of enough and proper sleep cannot be ignored when it is the matter of health which starts with eating time and bedtime.
Being up all night or late in the night hitting the sack has become a new fashion in town. To recover from the day work our body needs minimum 8 hours of deep sleep. Lack of sleep leads to irritation, hamper your brain power and focus, depression.
Sleeping Late at Night Induce Weight Gain
You will be surprised to know that sleeping late at night induce weight gain. Experts explained different reasons about it. Staying up late is the force to tuck up unhealthy calories more, which leads to weight gain. Sleeping late at night is the main cause of increased level of cortisol hormone, which causes weight gain.
According to national sleep foundation, sleeping late at night and dinner after 8:00 pm is the risk factors in weight gain. The national sleep foundation study revealed the fact that late sleepers consume 248 more calories per day, at dinner and later in the evening.
Comparing to their counterparts their eating patterns is also unhealthy. It is observed by the experts that late sleepers ate half as many vegetables and fruits, twice the fast food and takes full-calorie soda than those people with earlier sleep times.
Calorie Intake Significantly Leads to Weight Gain
The more calorie intake significantly leads to weight gain two pounds per month. Everyone wants to balance their weight. It is necessary to balance it with exercise. The study followed 51 participants in which 23 late at night sleepers 28 sleeps at a normal time.
Late sleepers sleep at 3:45 am and woke up by 10:45 am. At noon they ate breakfast, lunch at 2:30 pm dinner at 8:15 pm and final meal at 10:00 pm.
Normal sleepers woke up by 8:00 am, takes breakfast at 9:00 am, lunch at 1:00 pm, dinner at 7:00 pm, the last light snack at 8:30 pm and they sleep before 12:30 am.
Sleeping 10:00 pm to 5:00 am or 6:00 am is the good habit. They can follow eating habits as given above for normal sleepers. Regulate the eating habit and sleeping schedule to manage effective weight.
The study showed that more calories consumed each day, the timing was the important thing. People who take dinner after 8:00 pm have a higher BMI, even after they take control of sleep timing and duration.
“This study is relevant to the people who are not able to lose weight,” said Phyllis Zee, M.D., the study’s lead author. “The main suggestion of this study is regulated the time of eating and sleep could improve weight management program effectiveness.”
According to a Macrobiotic nutritionist and health practitioner, Shilpa Arora ND, “food should be consumed late at night. Ideally, all should practice three hours gap between meals and sleep time to get a healthy body and to lose weight.
Health Benefits of Proper Sleep
Getting enough high quality sleep every night helps to prevent obesity, overweight, heart disease, depression, stroke, and other chronic disorders. When w get good sleep the body gets repair and restore itself. If it won’t get enough time to do this over the long term (chronically), then stress hormones and other inflammatory factors get released, as the body starts reacting as if it were under chronic stress due to lack of sleep.
Indeed, as per study sleeping late at night for fewer hours can result in overeating. People who are trying to lose weight need to get enough sleep 7-8 hours per night. In this case, there is a chance of weight loss success.
Children Sleep
For children, as per above study needed the greater amount of sleep, sometimes 10-14 hours per night, depends on the age of children.
Anju sood Bangalore based nutritionist says, “During the night the metabolism is the least. So, whatever the person eat late night does not burn quickly. Eating too close to bedtime may spike energy levels, which is not correct as that is the time when the body looking to wind down. Avoid sugary food and highly processed food evening time to have a deep and sound sleep.”
The below are the lists of some sleep-inducing foods which helps to catch deep sleep and sleep incorrect time.
1.Warm Milk to Get an Ideal Sleep
According to Ayurveda a glass of warm milk before going to bed is an ideal for good and deep sleep. Me Sazia kazia follows this from childhood. Do you follow?
Modern scientific studies state milk contains tryptophan, the amino acid which converts into serotonin, which has soothing effects in the brain and helps the person to sleep well.
2.Almonds to Get Sweet Sleep
The presence of tryptophan in almonds has soothing effects on nerves and brain. Almonds also contain magnesium, which helps to keep the heart’s rhythm steady. Never overindulge in them. Soak five to six almonds in water and take every day.
3.Cherries for Deep Sleep
The presence of melatonin a hormone) in cherries, which is produced by the pineal gland that helps to regulate our sleep-wake cycle. To catch some good sleep, eat 10-12 cherries.
4.Oats to get Good Sleep
Oats contain melatonin which helps to induce sound sleep. Add some honey and berries on top to make it delicious and even healthier.
5.Bananas for Proper Sleep
Banana is a treasure trove of nutrients, which is also immensely effective in making you get good sleep. Banana contains magnesium and potassium which relaxes our muscles and helps to induce sleep. The presence of carbohydrate in bananas makes you feel sleepy naturally.
If anyone has health issue please consult your doctor before using any remedy. It may not be suitable for the person with any health problem.
Do let me know your views on this topic in the below mention comment box. If you know any more remedies about sleep do share with us.
Thanks for the blog
Thanks for the blog aricle is very nice