Dear Readers, Considered the actual ‘king of the fruits’, mangoes are usually loved by people of all of the age groups. Apart from being delicious, mangoes also provide a number of health benefits. The sweet and aromatic taste of mangoes can easily refresh your brain and make you feel good. But have you ever made an effort to eat unripe mangoes? Well, a recent study signifies that green mango yields just as much Vitamin C as 35 apples, 18 bananas, 9 lemons and 3 oranges. 🙂
Native to Southeast Asia and also India, the mango is the most broadly consumed fresh fruit on the globe, with worldwide production exceeding beyond 17 million metric tonnes annually. The mango is a member of the actual Anacardiaceae family consisting of poison ivy, cashews, and pistachios. It is also called manga, mangot, mangou, and mangue in other regions of the world.
Cultivated for more than 6,000 years, the mango is supplied in over 50 varieties, ranging in color from greenish to reddish, yellowish, often tinged with purple, orange-yellow, pink, or red.
Alexis Mucumbitsi, the in charge of nutrition at the Ministry of Health, clarifies that mangoes are very important in the prevention of diseases as they are rich in numerous vitamins.
He states that the fresh fruit is rich in vitamin A and C, calcium, iron and 82% of magnesium which is vital for the removal of wastes in the body.
“Raw mangoes consist of an acid which helps ease food digestion and control constipation. In addition, they help the skin soften and breathe making it healthy. Mangoes also help in the fight against diabetes by reducing sugar amounts within the body,” Mucumbitsi says.
“We encourage people also to grow some other fruits like pineapples and jackfruit so that whatever they can’t get from mangoes, they can find in others.”
Nutrients And Vitamins of Green Mango
Below is the actual nutritional value of 1 pc of Green Mango (336gr):
- Calories 201cal
- Total Fat 2%
- Sodium 0%
- Potassium 16%
- Calcium 4%
- Iron 3%
- Magnesium 8%
- Carbohydrates 17%
- Dietary Fibers 22%
- Sugar 15%
- Protein 6%
- Saturated Fat 2%
- Polyunsaturated Fat 2%
- Monounsaturated fat 2%
- Cholesterol 0%
- Vitamin A 73%
- Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 20%
- Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 204%
Health benefits of Raw mangoes
Treat blood disorders: Raw mangoes are incredibly beneficial in treating blood disorders due to their high Vitamin C content. Vitamin C enhances the elasticity of the blood vessels and improves the formation of new blood cells. It also aids the absorption of iron and stops bleeding tendencies besides increasing body resistance against TB, anemia, cholera, and dysentery.
Protects From Extreme Heat And Dehydration
Drinking juice of raw mango during the summer season is a lot more than a mere exercise in palate pleasing. The drink decreases the effects of intense heat and helps prevent dehydration, by stopping extra loss of sodium chloride and iron from your body. These minerals usually tend to leach out into the sweat, during the summer season, causing you to dehydrate.
Healthy Eyesight
Raw mango contains several numbers of vitamin A which help to keep a healthy eye. As a result, it is good to consume and maintain the eye lens.
Healthy Skin
The rich of vitamin C provides the green mango as an alternative to keep a healthy skin. It produces a smooth skin. It’s also aid in reducing eczema and acne. Therefore, it is suited to stop any kind of skin disease. Furthermore, it removes pimples.
Healthy Hair
Mango is famous to maintain a healthy hair. It develops a silky hair. Therefore, it is always good for hair treatment.
Mango contains a good anti-oxidant called zeaxanthin. It will help to reduce the impact of free radical from the pollution all around us. Therefore, it will help the human body to regenerate an excellent cell. Furthermore, it’s the same advantage with mangosteen. One of the Health Advantages of Mangosteen Tea is as an anti-oxidant as well.
Due to the capacity for an anti-oxidant, therefore it helps you to bring advantage as an anti-aging. It will help to prevent an early aging by minimizing wrinkle. Furthermore, it’s also capable of producing collagen and resulted in the younger skin.
Treatment of Scurvy
Dried up mango powder is extremely beneficial in treating Scurvy.
Gum Disease
The vitamin C within the fruit supports in many problems for example gums and teeth diseases. It helps to soothe the gum and stop bleeding.
Weight Loss-Lose Weight
Raw mango additionally rich in dietary fiber. Hence, it can help body metabolism to improve the digestive capacity. The green mango additionally contains fewer sugars, so that it wouldn’t increase sugar level nor excess fat in the body.
The fresh fruit may also work as some anti-bacterial. Therefore, eating mango will help clean the intestines coming from bacteria. It helps your body not to get quickly sick.
Maintain Blood Pressure
Raw mango contains potassium, which is best to maintain blood pressure level. It also actively works to optimize the blood vessel elasticity. Therefore, the blood pressure can be stable.
Maintain Heart Rate
Potassium also aids to control hypertension. Furthermore, the peptin and vitamin C inside a green mango actively work to reduce the cholesterol levels. Therefore, it gives the advantage of maintaining a healthy heart.
Indigestion and Constipation
Raw mangoes excellent hormonal health.
They contain Vitamin B that helps you retain health and well being. In addition, they help with indigestion and constipation problems. Moreover, they cleanse the intestine and clear off all kinds of other infections. Raw mango contains vitamin A and Vitamin E that enhances one’s hormonal system.
Treats gastrointestinal disorders
Raw mangoes are a rich source of pectin, which usually is blended with honey and salt, is extremely beneficial in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. Additionally, it is considered as very effective medication for diarrhea, piles, indigestion, morning sickness, chronic dyspepsia, and constipation.
Good For The Heart
The existence of niacin makes raw mangoes heart-healthy fruits. Niacin reduces risks of cardiovascular ailments and enhances blood cholesterol levels.
Maintain Immune System
Because of the content of vitamin C, therefore it helps to maintain immunity process. It enhances the body to avoid illness.
Morning Sickness
It’s the great news for pregnant woman that consuming green mango aid in reducing morning sickness. The sour taste of the fruit provides comfort to the nausea feeling. As a result, it helps to avoid sickness.
Prevent Diabetic issues
Raw mango also can normalize the levels of blood insulin. It has a low glycemic index. Therefore, it is always good to maintain the blood sugar level which helps to prevent diabetic issues.
Cure liver diseases
Raw mangoes aid in treating liver diseases since they increase the secretion of bile acids and clean up the intestinal tract of bacterial infections.
They also have more Antioxidants and Vitamin C compared with ripe mangoes. These types of antioxidant properties protect the body against cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Prevent Asthma
Raw Mango contains beta-carotene, that helps to prevent asthma. This can be the same content with inside carrots and papaya. Hence, it will be clear if you see the health advantages of Papaya Leaves and Health Advantages of Carrot Leaves.
Bone Health
Raw mango contains vitamins and calcium which help to maintain a healthy bone. This nutrient function through avoiding the danger of bone fracture. Therefore, it is always good for bone enhancement too.
Raw Mangoes Gives An Energy Boost
Having a little raw mango powder cures the afternoon drowsiness that frequently takes effect following your meals. This is due to raw mango provides your body with an energy boost which wakes you up and helps a person perform well.
Nature has fortified raw mango with numerous vitamins and minerals, which will make it an efficient antidote for several summer ailments. Not that we wanted any more reasons to take in raw mango chutneys, pickles and drinks, these health improvements are certainly motivating, aren’t they? Let me know in the comments.
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Really many many thanks for sharing the uses of raw mango. You have done a wonderful job. Help the people like this.
Hi, Thanks for visiting and for your lovely feedback.
After reading your blog, I know the real importance of mango.
Thanks for providing this blog