Dear Readers, Exercise, diet changes, positive attitude, and appropriate lifestyle changes are important elements of free-of-drug natural management of diabetes. Exercise needs to be practiced in fresh air like out-door games playing sports, walking, jogging, swimming, bicycling. Physical labor reduces insulin need decreases fat in the blood and prevents heart attack, stroke, and further complications.
To know about Obesity-Lose Weight-Pavanmuktasana Gas-Releasing Pose & Shavasana Dead Body Pose-Benefits of Yoga for Diabetes Click Here
Ardhamatsyendrasana asana exercises the vertebrae and brings them in good shape. It helps the bladder, liver, intestines, spleen, pancreas, and other abdominal organs and also provides strength to spinal nerves. It helps treat obesity, asthma, dyspepsia, and diabetes.
1. Sit straight on the floor.
2. Stretch your legs in front of you.
3. Under the right thigh place your left heel by keeping the right thigh in a straight position.
4. Cross the right leg over the left thigh carefully and place your right foot flat on the floor.
5. Over the right knee pass your left arm and clasp the big toe of your right foot.
6. With the help of your right hand grasp the left thigh from the rear.
7. Turn the trunk, shoulders, neck, and head to the right side. Bring the chin in line with the right shoulder position.
8. Hold this position for a few seconds and come back to the normal position.
9. Repeat the same exercise on the other side maintaining the same duration. Gradually increase the duration to 2 minutes.
The Vajrasana exercise can be practiced even after taking meals. It helps to improve digestion and it is very useful for those people who are suffering from constipation. And Dyspepsia, seminal weakness, colitis, and leg stiffness. It provides strength to thighs, hips, calves, knees, ankles, and toes.
1. Sit straight on the floor.
2. Stretch your legs in front of you.
3. Fold your legs back side, place the feet on the buttock sides with the soles facing upwards.
4. Rest the buttocks between the heels on the floor, both feet and toes should touch.
5. Place both hands on your knees and keep the head, neck, and spine in a straight position.
Note: If any serious health problems please consult your doctor immediately. In the case of Pregnant women or any other serious health problem. Follow the above-given tips under the guidance of your healthcare practitioners.
So, these were the tips on Obesity-Lose Weight-Ardhamatsyendrasana-Vajrasana-Benefits of Yoga for Diabetes. Let me know your views on the topic in the comments. If you like this article please share and rate it. I will come back with new posts for Health, Recipes, and Herbal Beauty tips soon.
[…] To know about Obesity-Lose Weight-Ardhamatsyendrasana-Vajrasana-Benefits of Yoga for Diabetes Click Here […]