Dear Readers, Today the topic is Lower Back Pain & Backache Treatment, Symptoms and Causes for Backache, Garlic Remedy, Potato Backache Remedy, Lemon Remedy for Back Pain, Vitamin C Remedy for Backache, Diet for Backache and Lower Back Pain. A backache is a most common problem now a day. Modern living habits, psychological conditions and hazardous work pattern these all associated with emotional stress, which burden on muscles cause a backache. The human back bears the entire body weight, overweight people feel more burden strain on the back when they carry an extra load.
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Symptoms and Causes for Backache
Mostly in backache cases, the pain felt usually in the lower down of the back or middle of the back. It spreads waist both sides and the hip. Serious pain leads patient to bedridden. A maximum number of backache patients suffer from cervical and lumbar spondylosis because of this the spine loses flexibility.
Muscular tension, poor posture, joints straining, lack of nutrition and exercise is the main cause of a backache or spondylosis. Arthritis, kidney problems, influenza, female disorders also one of the main cause of a backache. Other causes are sitting for a long time, high heels, weight lifting, emotional problems which result in strain and stress leads to painful muscle cramping.
These all symptoms and causes of a backache now let’s see how one can get rid of lower back pain or backache problem through natural home remedies.
Garlic Remedy
Garlic is an excellent home remedy for a backache. Early morning on empty stomach 3 cloves need to take regularly. Massage patient back with garlic oil to get a great result.
Prepare garlic oil by frying 10 cloves in any oil like sesame oil, mustard oil or coconut oil. When garlic turns to brown then remove from fire and let it get cool. When it gets a cool massage with this oil on the back gently and leave it for three hours. After the three hours take slightly hot water bath. Continue this for 20 days.
Potato Backache Remedy
Raw potato is a very beneficial remedy for a backache especially for the lower part of the back. Apply raw potato slice and massage gently with it to get rid of back pain and lower back pain until gets cure.
Lemon Remedy for Back Pain
Take the juice of a lemon and mix salt in it. Give it to patient daily until getting relief. It is a very beneficial remedy for a backache.
Vitamin C Remedy for Backache
In case of a severe backache, vitamin C is proved to be valuable. Take 1500ml vitamin C daily for treating back pain and lower back pain. Within 3 days there will be a noticeable improvement.
Diet for Backache and Lower Back Pain
Take salad of carrot, tomato, cucumber, cabbage, radish, lettuce. Steam the vegetables like cauliflower, spinach and all fruits except banana and with salad or take separately.
Fruits and milk for breakfast, whole wheat chapati, and steamed vegetables for lunch, fruit juice evening time for dinner bowl raw salad and sprouts is advised.
Avoid fried, spicy and fatty foods. Curd, sugar sweetmeats tea and coffee should avoid until getting relief from back pain or lower back pain.
Smoking, tobacco should give up completely. Alternate sponging and hot fomentation give immediate relief.
Yogic asana which is beneficial for a backache is Bhuj Anga Sana, halasana and shavasana. To know how to practice these asana please check in Google search.
Note: If any serious health problem please consult your doctor immediately. In case of Pregnant women or any other serious health problem than the above tips should be followed under the guidance of your healthcare practitioner.
So, these were the Lower Back Pain & Backache Treatment. Let me know your views on the topic in the comments. If you like this article please share and like it. I will come back with new posts for Health, Recipes, and Herbal Beauty tips soon.
Keep visiting Take Care
Hello Sazia:
I have lower back pain from 4 car accidents (none of which was my fault by the way, thankfully!).
I have never read this information before on how to help with the lower back pain.
Thank you so much for sharing this information.
I will try this and see if it helps me.
Hi, Deborah A. Ten Brink thanks for your feed back. I hope this will be helpful to get rid of backache and lower backache. My new post about sitting posture it is also useful to get rid of lower back pain
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