Dear Readers, Is beetroot more than any cosmetic and medicine for skin and health problems? Is it Cure Cancer, skin disorders, anemia, digestive problems, constipation and piles, circulatory disorders, kidney and gall bladder disorders and dandruff? Yes, it cures these diseases and skin disorders.
Beet juice is excellent to rejuvenate skin and makes the body strong. It helps to purify the blood and makes the body pink fair and lovely. The betaine content present in beet cleanses the intestine and the stomach.
The native home of beetroot is the South-Western Asia and Mediterranean area. It has been used for the last 2000 years as food. The early Romans and Greeks used to consume beetroot as a common food and the old Greeks looked upon beet as it is beneficial to cool the hot blood. Beetroot is a bulbous root it is of three colors violet, red and white.
Cancer Treatment through Beetroot
In 1946 a German naturopath Kunst Mann was successfully cured number of cancer patients with beet juice diet. in 1950 Dr. Firenczi from Hungary successful in curing malignant tumor with beet juice diet. Many patients gain their weight with beet juice diet.
Contents Analysis
Water 83.8%, fat 0.1%, protein 1.7% calcium 0.20%, carbohydrates 13.6%, phosphorus 0.06%, vitamin B1 210 microgrammes in 200 gm, vitamin B2 90 microgrammes in 100 gm, nicotinic acid 0.4 mg, vitamin C 8.8 mg in 100gm.
Food Quality in Beet
Beetroot is just like a good health tonic for our body. It is very useful in a hot climate to make the body cool. Beetroot contains carbohydrates in the form of sugar. It also has little fat and protein but the calorie content is low. In India, it is cultivated for the benefits of its nutritious roots.
Beet is best of any other vegetable juice. It contains natural sugar in it. This juice is rich in vitamins and copper.
Natural Benefits and Curative Properties in Beetroot
Beetroot cleans the gall bladder and kidneys. Being rich in alkaline, potassium, iron, magnesium, and calcium they are useful in combating acidosis and eliminates it naturally.
Anaemia Cure Through Beetroot
Iron is in higher content in beet which is helpful to regenerate and reactivate the red blood cells. Beet supplies fresh oxygen which is helpful in the function of vesicular breathing. It is an excellent remedy for anemia. According to the Germany doctor Fritz Keitel, “The beetroot juice strengthens the resistance power of the body especially for teenage and children where other remedies failed to form blood.”
Digestive Problems Cure
Beetroot is beneficial in the treatment of hepatitis, jaundice, nausea and vomiting, dysentery and diarrhea. Add one teaspoon lime juice which increases medicinal values of beet.
Add one teaspoon honey in beet juice and give it gastric ulcer patient every morning on empty stomach. Beetroot leaves also valuable in gastric ulcer and jaundice treatment. Daily once need to take the juice for better results.
Skin Disorders Cure
Boil beetroot in water and apply this water on boils, skin inflammation, pimples breaks, and pustules. White beet is an excellent remedy to cure these problems. To get rid of an irritable skin add one part white vinegar in three parts of beet juice. This is also useful as a skin wash for measles and eruption fevers
Constipation and Piles
Beet has the content of cellulose which acts as bulk residue, increases peristalsis. Its regular use prevents constipation. Give beetroot decoction at bedtime to the patient of chronic constipation and hemorrhoids (piles) regularly.
Circulatory Disorders Cure
The beet is an excellent remedy for inorganic calcium deposits. It is beneficial in the treatment of hypertension, heart problems, arteriosclerosis and varicose veins.
Kidney and Gall Bladder Disorders Cure
Mix beetroot juice and carrot and cucumber juice and give it to the patient as it is one of the finest cleansing material for gall bladder and kidney. It is an excellent remedy to cure all types of diseases of these two organs.
Dandruff Cure
Take beetroot juice and add a little vinegar to it. Give scalp massage with ginger tip using this mixture and take bath after one hour. It can be used before going to bed and take a head bath in the morning to get rid of dandruff.
This is about Beetroot-Health Benefits and Nutrition. Let me know your views on the topic in the comments about your love for beetroot. If you like this Skin and health benefits of beetroot, please share it to create awareness about Natural Beauty and Health. I will update new posts for Health, Recipes, and Herbal Beauty tips soon.
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