Dear Readers, The secret to achieving healthy and vibrant skin in this winter naturally is lying in your kitchen, not the drugstore. To heal the dry skin no need to visit a dermatologist. Add natural remedies at home to your skincare routine. Natural ingredients for dry skin remedies already might be in the kitchen.
Natural Dry Skin Remedy
Countless skin products available in the market, a natural remedy may be worth trying, says Christine Lopez, MD a dermatologist and dermatology department vice-chair at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.
Dr. Lopez Says, natural remedies and pure oil is the best choice. Other products have the ton of ingredients, they not only contain moisturizing properties, but they also contain preservatives. Some water-based products contain fragrances and alcohol, that cause allergic reaction, irritation or dry out the skin.
When it comes to beauty care keep it simple especially for those with sensitive skin. Unlike water-based creams and lotions which contains preservatives, pure oil has a natural base. It is the best remedy for dry skin.
Soothe Dry Skin and Irritated Skin Natural Remedies
Skin produces a natural oil called sebum, which protects skin moisture. Washing hands with drying soaps and forgetting to put on moisturizer strip the natural oil from the skin. For different types of skin, acne or without acne, extra oil in products provides the opposite of the desired effect. Using natural oils are helpful to restore skin’s sheen and protective barrier.
There are different ways to reap the oils moisturizing benefits. Oil is an excellent remedy for dry skin either alone or with other ingredients, make an exfoliating rub or nourishing mask. Dr. Lopez recommends lavender oil, castor oil and avocado oil for dry skin, for without acne skin.
Coconut oil for Dry Skin
Coconut oil is the best choice for people who are not prone to acne. People with atopic dermatitis type of allergic and eczema skin which is itchy and dry-saw best results when they apply virgin coconut oil on the skin.
Aloe Vera for Dry Skin
It is the best to plant with natural healing properties, can also infuse in natural oils and can be used as a natural moisturizer.
10 Latest Dry-Skin Remedies
It is a very simple way to use oil is drizzle the oil into warm bath water. Then treat your skin to a short soak; pat dry the skin avoid rubbing all the oil off.
Try these Natural Remedies for Dry Skin:
1.Olive Oil Cleanser to Soothe Dry Skin
Olive oil is excellent remedy works as a natural moisturizer and cleanser, says Brandy Crompton, a licensed aesthetician, and manager of LeBliss Salon and Spain Louisville, Kentucky. Take olive oil and rub into the skin gently and drape a warm, damp clean cloth over the face leave on till it gets cool. Wipe the face gently. Crompton says Olive oil is an excellent remedy as a cleanser it cleans the skin without stripping the natural oil of the skin.
2.Avocado Mask for Dry Skin
Avocado is another dry skin remedy to get soft and moisturized skin. Crompton suggested puree the half avocado and mix one teaspoon olive oil in it. If the skin is too dry add one table of honey in it.
Apply the mask on all over the face and leave on for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes wash off with normal water. You can use your regular moisturizer to double up the hydrating effects.
3.Natural Olive Oil and Sugar Scrub for Dry Skin
Make a natural exfoliating scrub with sugar and olive oil combination. Take olive oil 2 tablespoons and add the half cup of sugar in it. Crompton says you can add lavender oil, which promotes relaxation. Gently rub it on the skin for 5 minutes and wash off with normal water. Apply moisturizer to lock the benefit of exfoliated skin freshness.
4.Oatmeal to Relax the Skin
Add one cup of oatmeal to warm bath to get a natural moisturizer for dry skin, Lopez says. “The oatmeal itself is soothing,” and it helps the skin retain the moisture from this bathing water.
5.Oatmeal and Honey Mask Exfoliate Dry Skin
Crompton suggested, take one tablespoon of honey and add 2 tablespoon oatmeal and water as required. Warm up this mixture and rub it into the skin gently for 5 minutes and wash off. You can leave it on for 15 minutes to hydrate the skin.
6.Coconut Oil For Dry Skin
Coconut oil can be used as a moisturizer cream at bedtime, recommends TsipporaShainhouse, MD a board-certified dermatologist at Los Angles-based dermatology institute and skin care center. “For chapped heels and hands, apply coconut oil and rub gently for 5 minutes. Then layer with thick socks or nonlatex gloves.
7. Add Oil to your Bath for Dry Skin
Natural oils are best for moisturizing the skin and it helps to recreate the natural skin barrier. Skin often gets damaged by frequent face and hand wash with drying soaps as it strips the skin natural oils, Dr. Shainhouse says. One can try other natural oils as well that are free from itching, or irritants. That includes argan, jojoba, and avocado oils. Shain house recommends adding a few tablespoons of oil in bath water. One can apply small amount post-shower to keep it moist and soft.
8. Milk Compresses for Irritated Skin
Shainhouse says, “milk has anti-inflammatory and natural properties in it.” “It contains a mild and natural exfoliate lactic acid,” Shanhouse recommends use this compresses 10 minutes for the skin at a time. It is an excellent remedy for itchy and irritated skin. Lactic acid sting cracked skin, though, so use this remedy with caution.
9.Fruit Enzyme Cleanser or Exfoliate for Dry-skin?
Fruit enzymes are very useful during the winter season. Shainhouse says, “These alpha-hydroxy acids are excellent for exfoliating the skin layer of dead and dull skin cells.” She recommends using twice in a week this fruit enzyme-infused mask. Some of the best fruit enzymes are pumpkin, pineapple, and papaya.
10.Aloe Vera for Irritated and Dry Skin
Aloe vera is a very helpful remedy for sunburn relief and useful in the winter season as well. It works by alleviating irritation and redness related to dry skin. It also useful to decrease signs of aging and acne breakouts, according to research. Shainhouse cations that few people develop allergic contact dermatitis to aloe. So before using aloe vera perform path test and if it is suitable to the skin apply on face neck and hands to avail its benefit.
Important Tips to Avoid Dry Skin
Few important steps which are helpful to protect the skin and keep it moisturized.
- Use a moisturizer daily after shower, slather the skin with rich, creamy natural product.
- Develop skin-friendly bathing habits. Avoid hot shower, and take bath within 10 minutes. Use mild body wash rather than any drying soap.
- Harsh chemicals damage the skin avoid it. That include apple cider vinegar and alcohol which worsen the dry skin and in some cases it cause burns, Shainhouse says.
- Drink 10 to 12 glasses of water per day. Water helps to hydrate the body and keeps the skin soft and moisturized from the inside and out.
- Appropriate dress for winter. It helps to protect against sunburn and also from skin cancer. Don’t forget to wear gloves before going outside in winter season. It helps to prevent dryness and chapping Shainhouse says.
Add any new remedies in the below mention comment box. Leave your feedback on the above topic.
Hey Sazia,
In winters Aloe Vera gel and few slices of cucumber are very beneficial for dry and dull skin.
I’ve seen most of girls prefer to apply its paste on their skin for half an hour and you know it really shows surprising result.
Moisturising your dry skin is tough in winters, so people are doing a lot of hacks in order to make their skin beautiful.
Aloe Vera is widely known for its beauty benefits. It works wonders for skin and hair – often the key ingredient in many beauty products.
Coconut oil is also one of the prominent when we talk about home remedies for skin. Eventually, thanks for sharing these healthy tips with us.
With best wishes,
Amar Kumar