Dear Readers, Lady Finger is one of the oldest vegetable plants in the world. While it is still considered an exotic vegetable in this country, the green lady finger is an indispensable ingredient in many national cuisines. The lady finger not only tastes good, but it is also a real nutrient and vitamin bomb.
It looks unspectacular and tastes reminiscent of green beans. The exotic lady finger should not be underestimated. The combination of valuable minerals, trace elements, and vitamins makes lady finger a real health booster.
You can find out everything you need to know about African lady finger from us.
Interesting facts about lady finger
It belongs to the botanical mallow family and therefore actually has little to do with its taste relative, the green bean.
There are numerous names for the lady finger from gambo to greenhorn to Greek horn.
It is also particularly known under the name “Ladies Finger”, which is due to its optical shape.
Originally from Africa, lady finger now grows throughout America, India, the Caribbean, Thailand, and many other countries in the Mediterranean. It thrives in warm tropical and subtropical temperatures and is extremely sensitive to cold.
Thanks to its growing popularity, it is taking up more and more space on local supermarket shelves. The leading countries in terms of production so far are India and Nigeria.
Maybe you know the vegetables from Greek or Turkish cuisine and have confused them with beans or green peppers.
It is one of the oldest vegetable plants in the world, traces of which date back to the second millennium BC.
Lady finger grow on a bush up to two meters high and are up to 15 centimeters long. They carry small, light-colored seeds in them, which are also edible. They are always harvested unripe because lady finger quickly become woody.
Centuries ago, people discovered the health benefits of exotic vegetables. In fact, the African combines numerous vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, which not least benefit the intestinal flora.
Ingredients of lady finger
If you take a look at the ingredients in lady finger, you can see why the vegetable is becoming increasingly popular with us.
The low-calorie vegetables are full of vital nutrients: they are particularly rich in vitamin C.
The exotic greens are suitable for a low-carb diet, as there are only two grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of vegetables.
The lady finger also has up to five percent fiber which is particularly beneficial for intestinal health. The antioxidants and amino acids it contains also support health.
B Vitamins
Lady finger is rich in important B vitamins, including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folic. Together they perform tasks such as blood formation, and energy production and support numerous metabolic processes.
These vitamins ensure the maintenance of the body’s cells, the protection of the DNA, and a healthy nervous system.
Vitamin C
With almost 30 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams of lady finger, this vegetable is a particularly valuable source.
This vitamin supports and strengthens the immune system, which is particularly challenging in cold months.
It also stimulates the formation of white blood cells and protects against harmful substances. Smokers have an increased need for vitamin C, which is why integrating this vegetable is particularly worthwhile for them.
The body cannot produce this essential vitamin itself. It is therefore vital to consume sufficient amounts of vitamin C through food.
Set elements
However, green is not only a valuable source of vital vitamins but also of the elements required every day. Lady finger contains, among other things, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and chloride.
They also support numerous functions of the human body and are urgently needed for various purposes. Among other things, calcium strengthens the bones, as it is an important component of them.
Its natural counterpart is the quantitative element magnesium, which is responsible for muscle function, among other things. The human body needs potassium for a healthy heart and to build muscles.
But potassium is not just an important nutrient for athletes. It also relaxes the arteries, lowers blood pressure, and relieves the strain on the heart.
To lose weight
Lady finger are also suitable for people who want to lose weight. Because they have hardly any calories and very little fat. With their meager 20 calories per 100 grams of it, they are an ideal food for diets.
Thanks to their fiber, the lady finger keeps you full for a long time and keeps your blood sugar level constant, so that it doesn’t spike significantly after eating it.
In this way, the vegetables reduce unwanted food cravings.
Despite the low number of calories, green contains numerous important nutrients, which reduce the risk of developing a deficiency when dieting.
However, keep in mind that there is much more to successful weight loss: for example, adjusting your eating style and getting enough exercise. You can find out how you can continue to lose weight healthily or quickly on the relevant pages.
Trace elements
Numerous trace elements can also be found in the healthy. Lady finger not only provides important iron for blood formation, muscles, and the liver.
The green lady fingers are also full of copper, manganese, selenium, and zinc. Lady finger also contains various plant substances such as beta-carotene and lutein. Beta-carotene protects the eyes and can, among other things, improve vision after a deficiency.
This plant substance is also needed to produce vitamin A. This in turn ensures beautiful skin and hair and can sometimes reduce acne, scars, and small wrinkles.
Nutritional values of lady finger
It has numerous vitamins and nutrients that are important for stable health. In around 100 grams of cooked lady finger you will find the following nutrients, among others.
Effects of Lady Finger
The ingredients it contains make lady finger a true superfood. Lady fingers are particularly useful for a healthy intestine.
Not only do they reduce constipation and unpleasant flatulence, but they also counteract high blood sugar levels.
Lady fingers are also important suppliers of vitamins and an optimal source of vegetable protein.
To support the intestinal flora
The intestine is not only responsible for digesting food, it also produces hormones and wards off diseases.
Almost 80 percent of the immune system is located in the intestines. We often notice how important it is for our well-being when we have gastrointestinal complaints.
Whether it’s diarrhea, flatulence, constipation or even inflammation: various influences can make it sensitive.
There are both harmful and beneficial bacteria that colonize the intestinal area. Useful microorganisms are part of the intestinal flora and are extremely important for it. The mucilage contained in lady finger provides an ideal breeding ground for such bacteria.
The green exotics thus support healthy small and large intestinal flora. In addition, lady finger provide important fiber, which swells in the intestines and sometimes supports healthy digestion.
The vitamin A contained in lady’s fingers is also useful for the intestines: it protects and strengthens the mucous membranes in the digestive organs. In addition, the fibers in the protect against harmful influences such as medications.
Against free radicals
Furthermore, the green exotics are a valuable source of antioxidants. These reduce so-called free radicals, which are triggered by oxidative stress and can cause irreparable damage to cells.
Free radicals are caused by various negative influences such as air pollution, heavy alcohol consumption, intensive sunbathing, or smoking cigarettes.
By providing cell-protecting antioxidants, lady’s finger protects the skin from, among other things, premature aging, skin diseases, and other cell changes.
Risks when consumed
Lady fingers are generally very digestible and are generally well tolerated. However, you should not consume too much lady finger as the exotic vegetable contains a certain amount of oxalic acid.
This is toxic in high doses and can promote the formation of kidney stones. Especially if you already have kidney stones, you should stay away from the vegetables. However, a few lady fingers a day are no cause for concern for healthy people.
Buy a lady’s finger
You can primarily find the green in African and Asian supermarkets.
Lady fingers are also available to buy in some conventional supermarkets throughout the year.
When buying a lady’s finger, pay attention to its quality and freshness. You can recognize these by their rich green color and their firm and crunchy consistency.
Lady fingers should not be longer than ten centimeters and should not be too hard or wrinkled.
Only if lady fingers are really fresh do they contain the vitamins and minerals in question. As an alternative to fresh fruit, you can also buy canned lady-finger or dried goods.
Prepare lady’s finger
Lady Finger is easy to prepare and incorporate into numerous recipes.
However, before using the lady finger, you should first wash it thoroughly, dry it, and remove both the stem and the dry tip.
Lady fingers, which taste reminiscent of green beans, are suitable for numerous dishes: for example, chopped into small pieces in salads, with meat, fish, or seafood.
It is also go well with vegetable stir-fries, curries, and soups.
Lady finger can also be enjoyed raw as a snack. If you prefer to boil, fry or steam the it, you should only do so at low heat: the heat could otherwise cause important vitamins and minerals to be lost.
To thicken
When lady fingers are cooked, the mucus they contain comes out. Since it works similarly to cornstarch, it is ideal for thickening various dishes such as soups, stews, or sauces.
If this effect is not desired, you can also blanch the lady finger in vinegar water for a few minutes. Then rinse the lady finger briefly in cold water. Alternatively, you can soak it in cold lemon water for a few minutes.
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