Dear Readers, How to increase the size of the breasts? How to get firm and good shape breasts? Do you know the reasons for small and abnormal breasts? How to get Healthy and Beautiful Breasts through Home Remedies? It’s very important to know the reasons and it is possible to improve through home remedies. Storphy of the mammary glands are the cases and in such condition woman’s breast is too small. From such condition about 65% of women are suffering. Many girls are worried about their abnormal or small breasts size. There are so many remedies through which one can get beautiful and healthy breasts size.
Reasons for Abnormal or Small Shape Breasts
Physical and psychological condition of the person leads to breast development. Lack of balanced diet, worry, anxiety, anemia, excess consumption of alcoholic substances and prolonged use of contraceptives effects the proper development and shape of the women breasts. In some cases improper shape of the breasts are due to hormones.
Obesity is the main reason for sagging breasts. Person’s daily routine, improper exercise, sleeping more than required hours, unhealthy sexual thoughts, reading phonographic literature etc also effects the development of breasts.
Sometimes due to hereditary reason also causes improper development of breasts. At the age of 12 to 14 years of age menstrual cycle starts. Regularly these cycles should take place as irregular and other problems in menstrual cycle effects the development of breasts in proper way. Psychological condition of women also effects so one should control worry, anxiety and need to avoid fear and bad feelings.
Correct Bra
For proper shape and size one should wear proper bra. It should not be too loose or too tight as in such cases proper growth effects. The lower portion of the breast should face upward direction. Regular exercise is necessary to ensure good shape to the breasts otherwise they will start sagging.
Post Natal Care
Some women think that breast feeding to their kids leads to sagging but this big misconception. The truth is it is not due to the breast feeding but the manner in which the breast is held for feeding the baby.
The women should not bend her neck during feeding the baby as this stop the blood flow to the breast region. While breasts feeding the baby mother should sit erect in comfortable position. Never feed the baby lying down as correct posture is important to prevent the problem of breasts sagging.
Breasts Massage
Breasts massage plays an important role to get firm and proper shape breasts. Olive oil, mustard oil, almond oil is the best oils and good for this purpose. Always do massage in upward direction. Massage should not cause hurt or pain.
After massage leave on for one hour then take bath with little hot water. After massage wear proper shape bra immediately.
Dabbing with cold and hot pad helps the breasts to become firm. Proper massage increase blood circulation and helps the muscles to develop and to become firm.
Home remedies for Beautiful Breasts
1.To increase the size of the breast massage with kasisadi oil. Take gajpeepal, kaneer leaves and ashwagandha bach grind it and make paste then apply on breasts.
2.Apply the paste of ground caster leaves by mixing vinegar in it.
3.Soak pomegranate skin in water make paste and apply on the breasts leave it overnight and wash off in the morning.
4.Take hairs of the banyan tree grind and make paste. Apply this paste on the breasts to increase the size of the breasts
5.Take Gambaro and pomegranate skin in equal quantity add olive oil and make paste. Massage breasts with this paste for 10 minutes regularly for 2 months for getting firm breasts.
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Hi Sazia,
Very interesting post, love all the tips.
Thank you for sharing!
Hi emi, Thanks for visiting..All tips works and it is experimented on people.
Hi Sazia
Great tips. I believe every woman will benefit from this post. Thanks for sharing. Take care
Hi ikechi, Thanks for visiting….Yes most of the ladies facing this problem and by looking at that i thought to update..
Very nice blog!! I’m happy to read your post. Thank you so much for sharing information about breasts.
Hi Thanks for visiting and for your feedback.
Hi Sazia, love this post. When I was growing up so much emphasis was put on paying attention to your breast size. Encouraged to pray for big breast or chant over and over, “I must, I must, I must increase my bust.” Thanks for this info it will benefit many!
Hi Lydia Brown mam, Thanks for visiting and for your wonderful feedback.