Dear Readers, Today the topic is Health Benefits and Medicinal Properties of Radish, Home Remedies to Cure Disease like Jaundice, Piles, Chest Complaints, Genito-Urinary Disorders, Leucoderma ( white patches), Different Skin Problems and Radish and Radish Leaves Contains.
Radish is a common vegetable in all over the world. It is hairy with no stem or branches. It has one root which is cylindrical, round or tapering, red or white, slightly coarse, succulent, fleshy, around 7cm thick and around 15cm long. Its flavor is pungent. It promotes a healthy bloodstream and stimulates appetite.
There are different types of radish. Red and white color radish is most familiar. When young they are tender but becomes woody and tough as they mature.
Medicinal Qualities in Radish
Radish is rich in iron, sodium, and calcium. The root uses as food. To derive all its beneficial effects need to eat radish raw. Cooking destroys its vitamin content. After cooking all vegetables loses its powerful antiscorbutic properties. Leaves can take by cooking as a vegetable or raw as a salad.
The Radish leaves have more phosphorus, calcium and vitamin C than radish itself. Radish leaves are diuretic, antiscorbutic and laxative. The tap root is strong in antiscorbutic for preventing of scurvy and seeds are expectorant, carminative for the relief of gas discomforts, diuretic, stimulant, and laxative.
Radish Contain
The radish contains water, fat, protein, fiber, minerals, carbohydrates, phosphorus, calcium, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin B complex.
Radish Leaves Contain
Radish leaves contain water, fat, protein, fiber, minerals, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, and vitamin B complex.
Home Remedies to Cure Disease
Jaundice Cure
Green leaves of radish are excellent Remedy for Jaundice. Grind and extract juice in thin clean cloth. Add crystal sugar. The adult patient should take 500ml daily to get immediate relief. This leads to a healthy appetite and proper evacuation of bowels which reduces the trouble.
Piles Cure
Fresh radish root juice regards as a marvelous home remedy for piles. Need to give 70ml Radish juice twice in a day morning and evening.
Chest Complaints Cure
Mix one teaspoon radish juice with equal quantity of honey and pinch of salt is beneficial in the treatment of hoarseness, bronchial disorders, whooping cough and other chest complaints. It should give to patient thrice daily.
Genito-Urinary Disorders Cure
*Radish juice is beneficial for dysuria on painful urination and severe urethral pain. Radish juice should give 70ml twice morning and evening daily till get the cure.
*a cup full radish leaves juice once daily beneficial for a fortnight acts as a curative in dissolving gravel in urinary tract and cystitis (inflammation of the urinary bladder).
Leucoderma Cure
*Make radish seeds paste is useful in leucoderma. Radish seeds powder 35gm mix in vinegar and need to apply on white patches of leucoderma.
Different Skin Problems
Bleaching substance contains in radish seeds. Radish seeds powder mix in water and apply all over the face to get rid of blackheads and freckles. It also can apply to get rid of ringworm.
Before applying on face apply on the wrist or near ear part to test whether it is suitable or not to your skin. Anything applying on face first time needs to test before apply.
Note: If any serious health problem please consult your doctor immediately. The above tips should follow Under the guidance of your healthcare practitioner.
So, these were the tips on Health Benefits and Medicinal Properties of Radish. What are your views on the topic? Do let me know in the comments. If you like this article please share and rate it. I will come back with new posts for Health, Recipes, and Herbal Beauty tips soon.
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Thanks, it is quite informative
This is really useful, thanks.
This is actually useful, thanks.