Dear Readers, Today the topic is Top Health Remedies to Cure Cancer Aids Infertility Kidney Stone and for different diseases. If any type of health problem tries these remedies on the first stage to get the instant cure. For any disease delay action takes more time to get the cure.
To know about Top Health Natural Remedies to Cure Earache-Fever- A migraine Pain-Cracked Lips- Cracked Heel- Night Blindness-Warts and Corns-3 Click Here
Cure Hiccup Instantly
Take ash of peacock feather 5 gm by mixing in honey 3 times a day early morning on empty stomach. It cures hiccups immediately.
Cancer and Aids Prevention
Green grass juice 10 gm and Tinospora cordifolia thicken stem juice 20 gm take one cup early morning on empty stomach.
To know about how to sow green grass Click Here
Remedy for Infertility
Seeds of Bryonia Laciniosa 50gm and Putranjiva roxburghii 100gm mix both and make powder. Take 10 gm with cow milk before breakfast and dinner. It improves fertility and prevents miscarriage.
Thyroid and Tonsils Cure
Trikatu powder 25gm, Terminalia belerica 10gm and Pravala piste 5gm mix these powder with honey and adults need to take 1 gm twice in a day and children half a gram twice in a day. Early morning on empty stomach and evening. Eat fruits every day to increase the immune system.
Cures Thyroid problems and tonsils. It also cures asthma. If names translation requires please check in Google Search.
Gallbladder and Kidney Stone
Leaves of Bergenia ligulata wash well with clean water and 3 leaves chew daily in the morning cures all type of stone, gallbladder disorders and urinary diseases.
Get Rid of Asthma, Headache, Cough, and Sinusitis
Soap nut powder 1gm, ginger powder 1gm, long pepper half a gram, black pepper half a gram mix these powder and soak in 40 ml water till morning and sieve its store in a bottle.
Early morning on empty stomach pour 4 drops in each nostril. It takes out the whole phlegm, blocked nostrils gets open and instant headache relief.
Dandruff Cure
Sesame oil 250ml and neem leave juice boil on fire till juice is evaporated and oil remains in the vessel. Sieve it carefully and store in a jar. Need to apply twice or thrice in a week and massage gently.
It Cures hair fall and dandruff. It also cures psoriasis, pimples, and boils on the head.
Note: If any serious health problem please consult your doctor immediately. In case of Pregnant women or any other serious health problem then the above tips should be followed under the guidance of your health-care practitioner.
So, these were the Top Health Natural Remedies to Cure Hiccup-Cancer- Aids-Infertility-Thyroid-Tonsils-Gall bladder and Kidney Stone-Dandruff, Asthma and Headache- -2. What are your views on the topic? Do let me know in the comments. If you like this article please share and rate it. I will come back with new posts for Health, Recipes, and Herbal Beauty tips soon.
Keep visiting Take Care
Hi Shazia,
Good to know about different remedies for different health problems but I may ask is there any proof or study about the remedy you’ve mentioned for “Curing AIDS”. Do it really cures AIDS or delay the stage of AIDS? I ask because till date there is no permanent cure for AIDS in medical science.
Hi Bharat,
Thanks for your feed back. Good question in some ashram in India some Physician are preparing this remedy to cure Cancer and AIDS. They are giving this to patients to get cure. I need to check if any proof regarding this remedy. I will get back to you.
Hi Sasia,
I landed up here from the comment you left on my blog. I find this useful as I am looking for a remedy to cure my sinus trouble.
Hoping to read more posts from you.
Keep sharing.
Have a great time.
Reji Stephenson
Hi Reji,
Thanks for visiting and for your feed back its useful remedy you will get rid of sinus and all other related problems.
Thanks for your feedback and appreciation addium. You are always welcome.