Dear Readers, Let’s know about Grape prevent cancer disease and a number of other diseases. Some steps to follow to get a complete cancer cure within some weeks. Isn’t it wonderful and miraculous?
The growth of grapes cultivation is more than other fruits. It is not only beneficial for health but also delicious in taste. Grapes are in three colors green, black, and white. Small size grapes are seedless and when it grows big to have seeds in them. In America, California, Italy, France, and Europe excellent qualities of grapes are cultivated.
Medicinal qualities in Grapes
Maharishi Chakra states that Grapes are beneficial to hair, eyes, skin, throat, and appetite. Ripe grapes are diuretic, oily, aphrodisiac, cool and refreshing. Grapes are beneficial in fever, thirst, burning sensation, asthma, tuberculosis, and leprosy. Voice trouble, obesity, vomiting, edema, irregular menstruation, jaundice, hepatitis, and gastric acidity.
Grapes give relief to a burning sensation in the bladder, uric troubles, and kidney stones. They are always used to cure problems like bleeding, irregular and painful menstruation, and arthritis. They help in digestion and soothe the burning sensation in the stomach and excessive secretion of bile. Grapes retain youth and prevent old age.
Grapes contain protein, water, fat, calcium, carbohydrates, iron, phosphorus, niacin vitamin A, Vitamin B2, and vitamin C. Raw grapes contain less sugar and lots of acids but ripe grapes contain more sugar. Glucose is more in grapes compare to other fruits.
Iron present in the Grapes is useful to cure anemia. It purifies the blood and stimulates the activity of the kidneys and bowels. Grapes have natural medicinal value so grapes prevent cancer.
Benefits of Grape
Take grapes daily as it is beneficial to get relief from piles and constipation. Grapes are useful in general weakness, stagnate weight, debility, eyesight, dryness of skin, and burning sensation in the body. Grapes make the body cool as the blood is cleansed and cooled.
The eminent physician Dr. J.H Kellogg reported that a group of soldiers stationes themselves near grape plants, who were suffering from chronic dysentery. They used to drink grape juice and got rid of all symptoms of dysentery.
Grapes Cure Cancer
To detect grape prevent cancer’ anti-cancer properties a number of experiments were conducted in America and got better results.
Mrs. Johanna Brandt conquered cancer with the grape juice diet. Mrs. Johanna Brandt at a young age develops abdominal pain. And after tests, doctors diagnose the disease as cancer and advised Johanna to undergo an operation. She refused to undergo an operation as she met the person whose cancer had worsened after the operation.
Johanna inspires by the book “Fasting Cure” written by Dr. Upton Sinclair. She started following natural care by doing multiple fasts at home. The tumor stopped growing and did not cure and unbearable abdominal pain continued.
After nine years tests were done and the result was tumor divides into two parts. Doctors advised them to undergo an operation but Johanna refused again and continued following the “ fasting Cure” book. Like this three more years passed.
Johanna started taking grapes alone and found miraculous results. Within a week she got rid of abdominal pain and within just six weeks she got rid of cancer. In the X-ray report, there was no trace of the tumor. The doctors just could not believe this. After that Mrs. Johanna Brandt successfully carried out this experiment on so many patients.
The Grape prevents Cancer
Mrs. Johanna has written a book “The Grape Cure” the book has been receiving by layman critics alike. And has run into many editions.
One who wants to follow grape juice therapy should read first the book “The Grape Cure” by Mrs. Johanna Brandt.
The grape cure experiments have been successfully performed. On thousands of patients in the nature cure center of Uru li Kanchan near Pune.
Note: If any serious health problems please consult your doctor immediately. The above tips should follow Under the guidance of your healthcare practitioner. Normal people can follow grape juice therapy to prevent cancer and a number of other diseases.
So, these were the tips on the topic of Grape prevent cancer and other diseases. What are your views on the topic? Do let me know in the comments. If you like this article please share and rate it. I will come back with new posts for Health, Recipes, and Herbal Beauty tips soon.
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