Dear readers, Let’s discuss how to Get Rid of Cough and Cold-Natural Cure and Precautions/ cough and cold which is a common disease but Ignorance may lead to pneumonia, whooping cough or any other serious health problem. Let’s get cure through some natural home remedies. The respiratory system shrinks due cold or Kapha. The foreign particles present in kapha creates an obstruction for respiration. This pressure leads to a sore throat and cough. There are two types of a cough containing phlegm and dry cough. In such cases, the patient coughs repeatedly. Lungs get lots of pressure.
Due to a cough, the patient becomes restless. The patient feels pain and tickling sensation in the throat and the eyes become red. The patient feels weak and cannot tolerate the oil, smoke, petrol or soil smell. Need to take precautions when symptoms occur.
Natural Cure Remedy for a Cough
The patient should not consume cold things like ice, curd, spinach, tomato, carrot, guava, turnip etc. Avoid food item which increases phlegm like milk, ghee, oil, chilly, sour food and mango powder etc. Avoid Smoking and alcoholic drinks. Eat nighttime light and easily digestible food as it is beneficial for a cough.
The best treatment is taken out phlegm from the respiratory system. For 2 or 3 days take enema with lukewarm water to clear stomach. During lukewarm water. Practice exercise named kunjal kriya in the morning time for all types of a cough.
Ujjayi pranayama, Bhastrika, kapalbhati and very beneficial for a cough. Practice neti. Overcomes cold, asthma, sinuses, and other kapha diseases. The heart and brain get energy and lungs become strong. Overall health improves.
Tonsils, Thyroid, and other throat diseases get cured and blood gets purified. All the toxic foreign particles are thrown out of the body. Mind and vital life energy become stable.
Steps for Precautions
Blood pressure and heart disease patient should not practice this pranayama at a fast pace. Don’t practice during the summer season. Don’t try all pranayamas at a time, increase slowly as it may affect nerves. If nostrils are blocked. They should follow air exercise, breathing in and out through right nostril.
Close left nostril and breath in and our slowly through right nostril with medium pace. Slowly increase the pace. Now close the right nostril and-and our slowly through left nostril with medium pace.
Slowly increase the pace. Then breathe in and out through both the nostrils. Every day practice this 4 to 5 minutes. Close the eyes while practicing pranayama.
Home Remedies for A cough
A phlegmatic cough: *Peel ginger and keep a pea size peace in the mouth and suck as it removes phlegm easily.
A dry cough: *Linseed 20 gm boil in 350 ml water till it reduces to 115 gm sieve and adds 12 gm sugar candy. Take daily one spoon until chest is clear of phlegm. It is an excellent remedy to remove kapha.
An ordinary cough: *Mix honey, ginger juice, little black salt and take twice daily to cure a cough.
*Take 10 basil leaves, nine black pepper seeds and make a tea of it. Take it daily to overcome a cough, fever, cold, phlegm, low digestion fire, and other problems.
Home Remedies to Getting Rid of all types of A cough
- Apply mustard oil inside and outside the rectum to overcome all types of a cough.
- Peel Almond and rub in water add honey and take it daily. It is a very useful remedy for all types of a cough including a whooping cough.
- Boil one spoon fenugreek seed in 1 glass of water seive and take it.
- Roast Tamarind seeds and peels the skin. Make powder and take daily with half spoon honey.
- Take Almonds and garlic together to get rid of A cough.
Note: If any serious health problem please consult your doctor immediately. The above tips should be followed Under the guidance of your health-care practitioner.
So, these were the tips on Getting Rid Of Cough and Cold. What are your views on the topic? Do let me know in the comments. If you like this article please share and rate it. I will come back with new posts for health and herbal beauty tips soon.
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