Dear Readers, What is scalp facial? A scalp facial is a detoxifying treatment for hair, which is undertaken in some beauty parlours. It consist scalp massage, steaming, essential oils and moisturiser applying method. It is just like facial done on the face. Keep the hair healthy and shiny to make any style you like.
Dignity Roll Hairstyles
Part the hair ear to ear and with the help of back hair make ponytail. Then take puff of the front hair and pin it up. Set the extra hair around ponytail and pin-up. Divide the ponytail in three equal parts. Bring one part of the hair right side, make roll and pin up.
Now bring the other part of the hair to the left side, make its roll and pin-up. Take third part of the hair and make roll in such a way that it should looks as the one roll comes out of the another roll and pin-up. Attach a broach carefully.
Hill Hairstyles
Part the both side hair ear to ear and make pony tail. Then make puff of the front hair and pin up. Mix the additional pin up hair with the pony tail. Then part the ponytail into two parts. Now of that part one make five parts or less than five according to the growth. Take the first part, mould an out roll till 50% of it and set it carefully on the lower part.
Then make rolls of the other parts of the hair. Set them in round on the lower part. Rest one part of the hair, make the finger rolls of the upper hair and set with the help of rolls in a round on the higher side. Then attach matching broach one side.
Cross Roll Hairstyles
Comb the hair back side and make a puff of it and make ponytail of the entire hair. Take the ponytail upper hair and over the ponytail make an out-roll. Take the ponytail right side hair, roll it, set it left and pin-up.
Now take the ponytail left side hair and pin-up. Set the rolls in cross as one out-roll on the right side pin-up the hair. Set the rolls in cross as per the growth of the hair, and set one out-roll over the pony. Set an in-roll below side carefully. Spray-finish the hair and attach a broach to it.
Do you want to know about French roll hairstyle-Hairstyle for beautiful long hair-Hanging roll? Read my next articles.
This is about Dignity Roll Hairstyles-Hill Hairstyles-Cross Roll Hairstyles. Let me know your views on the topic in the comments. If you like this article please share and rate it in order to create awareness about Natural beauty and Health. I will come back with new posts for Health, Recipes and Herbal Beauty tips soon.
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hi Sazia
Great post on different hairstyles. My favourite is the crosroll. Always wanted to learn that.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Sonal Talwar, Thanks for visiting and spending time to read my post.