This post is for the Diabetic patient and it is only knowledge base about cure through food content on diabetic health.
Dear Readers, There are several tests to detect diabetes glucose, blood and urine test. In the absence of insulin, body fat breaks down into ketones. In nature these are acidic and they’re over flow into the urine and accumulation in the blood leads to complications.
To know about Diabetes in Children –Symptoms and Causes Click Here
Impotence and Frigidity Treatment
Garlic: Certain foods are very useful for Infertility treatment. Garlic is an excellent remedy for the treatment of impotence in men and frigidity in women. It is a harmless and natural aphrodisiac. It is useful in Impotence and Frigidity treatment from any cause.
Onion: Another important aphrodisiac food is onion. It strengthens the reproductive organs and increases the libido.
Other impotence and Frigidity-stimulating foods or aphrodisiacs are almonds, asparagus, asafoetida, Bengal gram, betel leaves, bishop’s weed, ginger, fenugreek, cardamom, lady’s finger, Indian gooseberry, sesame seeds, and raisins.
Vigorous body massage revives muscular vigor it is very useful in the treatment of frigidity and impotence which provides nervous energy. A cold hip bath daily for 10 minutes is beneficial.
Diabetes Pregnancy
During pregnancy, diabetes can present different problems in women. Diabetes may pose a risk to the child and mother’s life. 25 percent of diabetic pregnant women are affected by toxemia of pregnancy, a dreadful condition that may lead to miscarriage.
Diabetic women in some cases give birth to babies with congenital defects or dead babies. In a few cases, diabetes women develop large babies in the womb. This caused difficulty for the baby and mother during delivery and both have to face trauma risk during delivery.
This doesn’t mean that diabetes women should avoid pregnancy. Diabetic women opting for pregnancy and conception or during pregnancy getting diabetes are much safer today than before. Recent advances in managing such pregnancies have made possible normal childbirth. Need to do tests during pregnancy as per doctor’s advice.
Diabetic Complications Due to Smoking
Due to heavy smoking diabetes complications became more serious and the mortality rates became double.
Smoking increases triglyceride levels and blood cholesterol. HDL cholesterol decreases. Smokers need to take more antioxidants like spinach, carrot, fruits, and vitamins A, C, and E as these vitamins play a vital role in preventing cancer and heart disease.
Nicotine present in cigarettes causes high blood pressure and rises in pulse rate.
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Peripheral vascular disease, leg blood vessel disease, almost worsens in smokers. It leads to foot and leg infections, amputations, and even death. According to a Washington University study, 33 percent of diabetic smokers develop almost surely worse sate peripheral vascular disease than non-smokers.
Another study proved that diabetic patient who smokes 10 cigarettes a day, 13 percent gets the effect of kidney disease.
Heavy long-term smokers face much higher effect of neuropathy disease than the nonsmoker diabetic patient. Joint mobility, finger joint ache and thickening of hand skin are found in 50 percent of smokers as against 25 percent of nonsmoking diabetic patients.
Smoking increases the risk of oral cancer. Smokers who have diabetes are prone to chronic dental disease, ulcer, and bleeding gums.
To know about Diabetes in children Read my next articles.
Note: If any serious health problems please consult your doctor immediately. In case of Pregnant women or any other serious health problem, the above-given tips should be followed under the guidance of your healthcare practitioner.
So, these were the tips on Diabetes-Impotence and Frigidity Treatment, Pregnancy and Smoking Long-Term Complications, and Home Remedies. Let me know your views on the topic in the comments. If you like this article please share and rate it. I will come back with new posts for Health, Recipes, and Herbal Beauty tips soon.
Thank you Sazia for the information on Diabetic women and pregnancy.
I was happy to see that you stated that recent advances in managing
such pregnancies have made normal child birth possible. We are expecting
our third grand child and this is the condition we are dealing with.
Excellent article.
Thanks Kathryn Maclean mam for visiting and for your feed back. All will go well mother and child will be blessed with good health 🙂