Dear Readers, Diabetics should eat foods rich in vitamins C, E, antioxidants, and beta-carotene. Dr. James Anderson advised, of the Medicine College of Kentucky University. Bad types of cholesterol are susceptible to oxidants and they become toxic in diabetics which also clog arteries. In such cases, three times higher risk of heart disease in diabetes says Dr. Anderson.
To know about Diabetes Treatment through Tenner’s Cassia-Margosa-Ispaghula Herbal Remedies Click Here
Fenugreek Seed and Leaves for Diabetes
Fenugreek is a leafy vegetable that keeps the body healthy and clean. In India, fenugreek leaves are cooked as a vegetable. The plant seeds are the best body cleanser as they are soothing agents and highly mucus-solvents.
In India, fenugreek seeds are commonly used as a condiment for seasoning. In Ayurveda, the medicinal properties of fenugreek have been described. The National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad fenugreek seeds, conducted studies and found when fenugreek seeds are given in different doses of 25-100g daily, reactive hyperglycemia diminishes in diabetic patients.
Glucose levels were reduced significantly in diabetic patients when fenugreek seeds were taken regularly. These studies indicate that the fenugreek seeds effects could be quite marked when taken with a 1000 to 1400-calorie diet per day, which is recommended a diet for diabetic patients.
Fenugreek seeds are rich in fiber it contain mucilaginous fiber extent of 20 to 50 percent respectively. It also contains alkaloids which is beneficial to reduce sugar levels but fenugreek leaves do not possess these properties.
Fenugreek seeds can be consumed in different ways. Soak fenugreek seeds one teaspoon in normal water overnight and swallow regularly early morning on an empty stomach with water to control diabetes. Another method make a powder of fenugreek seeds and take it with milk twice daily early morning on an empty stomach.
Fenugreek seeds powder can be added to wheat flour and make chapatis or can be used in different food preparations like rice, grains, and vegetables. Regularly use fenugreek seeds powder to reduce urine sugar and blood sugar levels and in glucose tolerance concomitant improvement. It also controls triglyceride and cholesterol levels.
Madhuca for Diabetes
The Madhuca also called as butter tree, it is large 20 meters in height, with a spreading top. The bark of the Machuca tree has anti-diabetic properties. It is very helpful to lower blood sugar thus beneficial in treating diabetes. Make a decoction of bark and take it regularly to control diabetes.
Mango Leaves for Diabetes
The tender leaves of the tree are an excellent remedy and anti-diabetic food. Soak the leaves overnight in water, squeeze the leaves in the same water in the morning, filter it, and take them regularly on an empty stomach to control early diabetes.
Another method is to dry mango leaves in the shade, power it, and preserve them for use. Half of the teaspoon powder is mixed in buttermilk or water. And take twice regularly on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening.
To know about Tenner’s Cassia-Margosa-Ispaghula and sweet potato leave Herbal remedies for diabetes Read my next articles.
Note: If any serious health problems please consult your doctor immediately. In the case of Pregnant women or any other serious health problem. Then the above-given tips should follow under the guidance of your healthcare practitioners.
So, these were the tips on Diabetes Treatment through Fenugreek Seed-Maduca-Mango Leaves Herbal Remedies. Let me know your views on the topic in the comments. If you like this article please share and rate it. I will come back with new posts for Health, Recipes, and Herbal Beauty tips soon.
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