Dear Readers, In 1550 BC, the famous Ebers Papyrus advised wheat grains are excellent for ‘diabetes treatment’. Know about Diabetes Diet-Treatment through Fruits and Vegetable Remedies. A large number of scientific researchers proved that plant food is beneficial in ‘treating diabetes’. Around 400 plants have been Identify which is useful for diabetes treatment.
In Europe, Asia and middle-east antidiabetic drugs are onions and garlic. Since the ancient times in China and India herb ginseng and bitter gourd was used widely for treating diabetes. To lower blood sugar in Europe mushroom is widely used. Iraq people use barley bread for the ‘treatment of diabetes‘.
Other foods also used for treating diabetes in different countries like cabbage, cinnamon, beans, seeds, coriander, fenugreek seed, cucumber, jambul fruit, Indian gooseberry, and lettuce.
All these foods contain anti-diabetic properties. Scientific researchers proved that these foods stimulate insulin production and lower blood sugar which is mention below.
To know about Diabetes Diet-Treatment through Fruits and Vegetables Remedies-2 Click Here
Apple for Diabetes
Apple sub-acid fruit is the most valuable fruit of all fruits is very beneficial in treating diabetes because it contains pectin content which found in pulp and rind. It supplies galacturonic acid which aids detoxification of the body and eliminates harmful substances of the body. Apple fulfills about 35 percent of the insulin requirements of the body.
Apple is also useful in depression. This fruit contains vitamin B potassium and phosphorus which help the glutamic acid synthesis, which controls nerve cell wear’ and tears. This fruit recharges the nerves with new energy and life.
Bitter Gourd for Diabetes
The Bitter Gourd is a common vegetable which we eat. It has excellent medicinal qualities in it. Since ancient time’ it is useful as a folk medicine for diabetes. Research proved that bitter gourd has insulin-like principle designated as plant-insulin, which is useful in lowering urine and blood sugar level.
Bitter gourd is an anti-diabetic food and should take regularly for treating diabetes. Take three bitter gourd juice early in the morning every day on empty stomach. Make powder of bitter gourd seeds and add in daily meals. A decoction of the chopped bitter gourd is also very effective in the treatment of diabetes.
Bitter gourd has all essential minerals and vitamins A, B1, B2, C, and iron. Many complications associated with diabetes and hypertension, neuritis, eye complications and the defective metabolism of carbohydrates can prevent by taking bitter gourd regularly.
To know about Diabetes Diet’ through Fruits and vegetable remedies Read my next articles.
Note: If any serious health problems please consult your doctor immediately. In case of Pregnant women or any other serious health problem then the above-given tips should follow under the guidance of your health-care practitioner.
So, these were the tips on Diabetes Diet-Treatment through Fruits and Vegetable Remedies. Let me know your views on the topic in the comments. If you like this article please share and rate it. I will come back with new posts for Health, Recipes, and Herbal Beauty tips soon.
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Diabetes is very dangerous, everyone knows it. But can it be prevented if following healthy eating habits only?
Hi Mei, yes diabetes can be prevented by following healthy eating habits, tips and few exercises to burn calories. Biological doctors described diabetes as prosperity disease which is caused by over eating food, refined carbohydrates, sugar, fats and proteins. Taking excess food taxes the pancreas and effect the normal activity. The persons with obesity and severe obesity have the higher risk of diabetes. Worry, grief and anxiety have the bad influence on the metabolism. Diabetes also associated with organic disorders like tuberculosis, cancer and cerebral disease. Heredity also leads to diabetes.