Dear Readers, The brain, and the eyes give an image of three dimensions of the world. Follow Eyes Shifting-Alternate Focus of Vision for Healthy Eyes.The brain and the eyes give an image of three dimensions of the world. Tiny upside-down images of an object or scene receive by two retinas. Tiny ...
Better Eye Sight-Vision Flexibility-Vision Flashing-Eye Care
Dear Readers, The most informative sense is the sight of all the senses. Know about Better Eye Sight-Vision Flexibility-Vision Flashing-Eye Care. Our eyes explore the world by inspecting and scanning the details of our surroundings. They can shift its focus in any direction instantly, and their ...
Best Vision Basics-Blinking Eyes for Good Vision Health
Dear Readers, Eyes outer parts are protected by the eyebrows, eyelashes, and eyelids. Learn Best Vision Basics-Blinking Eyes for Good Vision Health. A line of short hair growing on the bony ridge which is covered with a thick skin fold is known as eyebrows. It is helpful to soak moisture and works ...
Obesity-Lose Weight-Anuloma Viloma-Ujjayi-Bhastrika Benefits of Yoga for Diabetes
Dear Readers, Physical exercise practicing regularly is beneficial for the obese and Diabetics. People whose diabetes is under control doctors do not restrict on activities. The American diabetes association advised against certain sports. For those whose situation involved in where hypoglycemic ...
Obesity-Lose Weight-Pavanmuktasana and Shavasana Yoga for Diabetes
Dear Readers, Diabetics should follow the light and appropriate exercise for fitness. Stretching light exercise should practice improving flexibility. Learn Obesity-Lose Weight-Pavanmuktasana and Shavasana Yoga for Diabetes. Scale up the exercise schedule till the achievement of decent fitness ...
Obesity-Lose Weight-Ardhamatsyendrasana-Vajrasana-Yoga for Diabetes
Dear Readers, Exercise, diet changes, positive attitude, and appropriate lifestyle changes are important elements of free-of-drug natural management of diabetes. Exercise needs to be practiced in fresh air like out-door games playing sports, walking, jogging, swimming, bicycling. Physical labor ...
Obesity-Lose Weight-Dhanurasana-Paschimottanasana-Yoga for Diabetes
Dear Readers, Exercise is a great benefit in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It helps to metabolize glucose in the body and it manages sugar levels. It increases the efficiency of the body and it is beneficial for type 2 diabetes as it augments the tissue sensitivity to insulin. Pushes the glucose into ...
Obesity-Lose Weight-Sarvangasana-Bhujangasana Yoga for Diabetes
Dear Readers, Diabetes are at an increased risk of atherosclerosis. Cholesterol in blood high level is directly link to atherosclerosis. Diabetes and high blood cholesterol lead to hardening of arteries. Exercise beneficial and lower the elevated blood cholesterol by increasing High-density ...
Obesity-Lose Weight-Jalaneti-Kapalbhati-Benefits of Yoga for Diabetes
Dear Readers, The practice of asanas and kriyas stimulates and energizes the electronic glands of the body. It promotes inner health and harmony and prevents diabetes and other different diseases. It helps to overcome mental, physical and emotional tension. To know about Obesity-Lose ...
Obesity-Lose Weight-Home Remedies to Prevent and Control Diabetes
Dear Readers, Planning diet and exercise along with lifestyle is the only way of dealing with obesity. Chose the foods which provide all essential nutrients with fewer calories. Take only juice like grapefruit, lemon, pineapple, orange, and cabbage for 5 days to lose weight. Take all fruit juice ...