Dear Readers, Today the topic is Best Diet Food and some steps to follow the diet to prevent diseases and to get the healthy beautiful skin. Learn Best Diet Food With Vitamin Protein Calcium And Iron. Improper intake of food may result in complexion dull, sallow, and spotty. A proper healthy diet keeps the mind and body energetic.
Which has a direct impact on the skin? Include all vitamins and minerals in your daily diet. Beauty from within is important, as any make-up cannot cover up a lifeless skin. So to gain natural beautiful skin, include every vitamin and mineral in your diet which is explained in this article.
Here is a list of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fat etc. That should include in your daily life to gain good health and beautiful skin from within.
Vitamin A:
This vitamin is essential for eyes, hair, nails, skin, teeth, and bones. The richest sources of this vitamin are milk, liver, cod liver oil, paneer, leafy vegetables, carrot, egg yolk, cabbage, red and yellow vegetables and fruits.
Vitamin B:
This vitamin is vital for keeping young longer. Delays hair graying and improves hair growth. It makes the skin clear and eyes brighter. It is indispensable for beauty. Main sources of vitamin B are wheat bran, milk yeast, sprouted wheat, cereals, green leafy vegetables, meat, eggs, fish etc. lack of vitamin B causes cracks in the skin and around the eyes, mouth, and nose. It also causes anemia and different skin diseases.
Vitamin C:
This vitamin combats facial dryness and used to reduce pigmentation problem. It is beneficial to stop Bleeding Gums regular consumption of vitamin C will make your skin firm, soft and subtle. Some main sources of vitamin C are sweet and sour citrus fruits, Indian gooseberry (amla), watermelon, tomatoes, cabbage, guava, potatoes, pineapple and green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin D:
This vitamin is beneficial for skin and bones. Sunlight is one of the best sources of vitamin D. Main sources of vitamin D are cod-liver oil, eggs, and milk.
Protein For Rebuild Tissues:
This is essential for rebuild tissues of the body and keeps the muscles firm. Main sources of this protein are eggs, milk, cereals, and bread.
Calcium For Clear Complexion:
To get clear complexion this calcium is very useful. Lack of calcium causes skin disorders, tooth troubles, and weak bones. The main sources of calcium are fenugreek, milk, and milk preparations, beetroots, drumstick, leafy vegetables, figs, watermelon, grapes, Baja (millet) til, urad etc. calcium also available in some fishes and oysters etc.
Fat For Soft Skin:
Fat is used to make skin soft, smooth and round. Natural sources of fat are butter and cream. Intake in high amount may lead to health problems.
Iron To Make The Blood Richer:
This mineral helps to make the blood richer in blood corpuscles which impart that healthy, pink glow to the skin. Lack of this mineral causes pale skin. The main sources are til, Bajra, green gram, gram, mangoes, dates, soybean, eggs, meat, and oysters etc.
Water For Beautiful Skin:
Water gives the skin a dewy look, glow and required moisture. It keeps the blood free from impurities and clears the system of all toxins. It also protects the skin from pimples. 8 to 10 glasses of water must take every day.
Balance your daily diet by including all of the above in tactful form. If you plan to lose weight need to take care of so many things or follow diet weight, plan for weight, calorie diet and so on.
Note: If any serious health problem please consult your doctor immediately. The above tips should be followed Under the guidance of your healthcare practitioner. Normal healthy people can follow the above diet to prevent diseases and to get the healthy beautiful skin.
So, these were the tips on Best Diet Food. What are your views on the topic? Do let me know in the comments. If you like this article please share and rate it. I will come back with new posts for Health, Recipes, and Herbal Beauty tips soon.
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