Dear Readers, The benefits of carrots are very diverse, not only for health but can also be used for various other needs. Carrots are very nutritious vegetables. Carrots, which are widely known as a source of vitamin A, have a lot of other benefits. Just like the benefits of fruits and vegetables in general, the benefits of carrots are also excellent for the skin beauty, and health of the human body.
Carrot Nutritional Content
According to the American agricultural ministry, one medium carrot or 1/2 cup chopped carrots counts as a serving. One serving of carrots contains 25 calories, 6 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of sugar, and 1 gram of protein.
Carrots are rich in vitamin A
It is the richest vitamin A food, providing about 210% of an adult’s daily requirement. Carrots also contain 6% of the need for vitamin C, 2% of the need for calcium, and 2% of the need for iron per portion.
This vegetable contains the antioxidant beta-carotene which gives carrots a fairly bright orange color. Beta-carotene is absorbed in the intestines and converted into vitamin A during digestion.
Vitamins and Minerals
Carrots are super vegetables, they also contain fiber, vitamin K, potassium, folate, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin E, and zinc which are needed by the human body.
Apart from being high in nutrients, of course, carrots are also a trusted source of health, what are the benefits?
Benefits of Carrots
Reducing the risk of heart disease
Consuming 6 carrots a week, according to a recent Harvard University study, can reduce the risk of bad cholesterol in the body, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. The antioxidants in carrots also help lower high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease.
Reducing the Risk of Cancer
In carrots, it contains hydrate, charcoal, phosphorus, beta carotene which makes it very good for body health. The content of beta carotene is believed to be effective in preventing the body from attacking cancer. Research shows, people who consume carrots 2 times a day, can reduce 17% risk of breast cancer.
Other research has also shown that carrots can reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer. Researchers found falcarinol and falcarindiol which are anticancer substances.
Falcarinol is a natural pesticide produced by carrots that protect the roots from fungal diseases. Carrots are the only source of vegetables that have this substance. A study shows the risk of cancer is 1/3 lower than mice who consume carrots.
Increase the Human Immune System
The body’s immune system can also get strength by the regular consumption of carrots. Research shows eating carrots mixed with coriander can prevent harmful viruses from invading the body. Mix coriander in carrot soup to consume it at the same time. Besides carrots also contain antioxidants, the benefits of antioxidants are known to be very important to keep and get rid of free radicals.
Kidney Health
The healing properties of carrot juice are helpful for cleansing and filtering the kidneys. Although experts say that people with kidney failure should not drink juice, it is different from carrots, this vegetable is very effective for maintaining kidney health.
Maintain Eye Health
Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which converts into vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A is transformed in the retina, to rhodopsin, the purple pigment needed to enhance vision at night.
Beta-carotene has also been shown to protect against macular degeneration and cataracts, which are eye health problems that often occur in the elderly. A study shows that people who consume beta-carotene have a 40% lower risk of macular degeneration compared to those who don’t take it.
Prevent Stroke
A study conducted at Harvard shows that consuming 6 carrots a week can reduce the risk of stroke compared with people who only consume 1 fruit per month.
Benefits of Carrots For Skin Health and Beauty
Carrots are also very good for beauty and human skin, what are the benefits?
Maintain Healthy Skin
The benefits of carrots on the skin lie in the content of vitamin A and other supporting substances, which are able to keep the skin beautiful and glowing. Carrots get rid of black spots on the skin, due to pigmentation. Its use can directly consume or made as a mask material. Consuming carrots regularly will really help to prevent attacks of various skin diseases.
Prevent Premature Aging
Carrots are a good source of antioxidants, antioxidants will counteract free radicals that expose to the skin. The benefits of antioxidants themselves are also slow down the effects of premature aging.
Benefits of Carrots For Pregnant Women
Apart from the benefits of carrots above, it turns out that the effect is also very good for pregnant women.
Quality and quantity of breast milk Carrots can help improve the quality and quantity of mothers who are breastfeeding
Maintain Fertility. Fertility is one of the dreams of all couples, consume carrot juice because it can increase the fertility of the womb.
Fetus in the womb Carrots is also beneficial for the fetus in the womb because they contain high enough vitamin A, besides that, they contain good antioxidants to keep them growing healthy.
In addition to the main properties above, carrots can also have a very good effect on health and other needs that are very important in supporting the performance of the human body. Here are a few of them.
Benefits of Vitamin A from Carrots
- Take care of the eyes.
- Prevent cancer.
- Good for human skin
- Good for preventing premature aging
Benefits of Vitamin B Carrots
- Maintain the digestive system.
- Improve memory.
- Breaks down homocysteine.
Benefits of Vitamin K Carrots
- Blood clots.
- Prevent diabetes.
- Strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis.
Hey Sazia kazia,
I love to eat carrot in summer and it is also very beneficial for health and also skin. As you say it
contain much amount of vitamin k,fiber,potassium,manganese etc.
It also reduce the risk of heart disease, risk of cancer and also increase the human immune system.My
father has also told me that it is also very beneficial for eye and you have also said that.As it is good for health it is also good for skin like it prevent premature aging and keep skin healthy. You have mention a awesome list about carrot.
thank you,