Dear Readers, Today the topic is Beautiful Hands and Legs Tips-Manicure-Pedicure, Home Remedies for a tan, cracked heels, remove dead skin, soft fair and lovely skin, manicure, pedicure, nail stain, soft and glowing skin, smooth palm, glowing complex and discolored nails. Not only face but you should maintain hands and legs beauty, considering the other parts of the body. Soft hands and legs are as important as your face beauty.
Beautiful Hands and Legs Tips
*For healing cracks and to get soft hands, elbow and legs rub lemon over your hands and legs. It removes dead skin and makes it fair and lovely.
*When you wander in the sun apply sunscreen lotion to prevent a tan.
*For tan, mix equal quantity of rose water, glycerin and lime water and store in a bottle. apply this on hands and legs daily to make them fair and to remove tan.
*Every month do manicure and pedicure at home with natural remedies.
Take plastic tub and fill with Luke warm water. Add salt and shampoo 1 table spoon each in water. Keep your hands in it for 15 minutes and wipe off dry. Rub with pumice stone over the rough surfaces especially elbows and remove the dead skin. Clean nail corners, shape the nails wipe off then apply cold cream and massage for 10 minutes to get soft and lovely hands.
Take Luke warm water in a tub adding salt and shampoo 1 spoon each in it. Keep your legs in this water for 20 minutes wipe off and remove dead skin with pumice stone and with a foot scraper remove the heel cracks and rub gently wipe off. Apply cold cream and massage for 20 minutes. Repeat this every month to get soft and beautiful legs.
*Keep your nails by removing the stain in it. Shape it and apply lemon over nails to remove stains.
*Shape the nails carefully and neatly. Take food rich in iron, potassium, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin B. Take curd, milk, and turnip.
*Always apply a double coat of nail polish and dip your hands in water to get dry faster.
*slipper bite remains as a stain on legs. Apply coconut oil on slippers for 2/3 days to avoid a slipper bite. Don’t wear socks for hours as air respiration ceased from legs.
Heel Pain
*Heeled slippers leads to heel pain if continuous standing work is done by wearing it. In house use acupressure slippers, which is made to activate blood circulation in the foot. Hawaii slippers also preferable to wear in the house.
*Daily before bed applies fresh cream on face, hands and legs then massage for 5 minutes. Get the soft and glowing skin.
*To keep the palm smooth, rub lemon and sugar to the palms till sugar gets dissolved.
*Mix almond oil and honey apply on hands leave for 2 hours wash off. Or wear cotton gloves and sleep by morning you will wonder to see soft hands. Wash off with light hot water. Repeat this every month.
*Mix glycerin, honey, and fresh cream equal quantity and apply over skin to get a glowing complexion. Apply to get rid of crack heels.
*Warm olive oil and apply on hands and legs and massage to soften your skin. And to nourish the cuticle edges of nails.
*For dull and discolored nails rub nails with vinegar and then rub with lemon and wash with Luke warm water.
*Walk bare foot on grass every morning and expose your hair as far as possible.
Note: If any serious health problem please consult your doctor immediately. The above tips should be followed Under the guidance of your healthcare practitioner.
So, these were the tips on Beautiful Hands and Legs Tips-Manicure-Pedicure. What are your views on the topic? Do let me know in the comments. If you like this article please share and rate it. I will come back with new posts for Health, Recipes, and Herbal Beauty tips soon.
Keep visiting Take Care
Thanks for the wonderful tips. I’ll surely try this today.