Dear Readers, Let’s discuss Lower Back Pain & Backache Treatment-Fit Back-Slim Body, Appearance to Check Self Weight, Maturity weight of Middle age People, Measurement for Skin-Fold. In modern age wherein a large number of population is overweight and under exercised. As the people grow older they put on weight, Developing flabby thighs, thickened waistline, pudgy buttock and double chin.
To know about Good Posture Reduce Back Pain-Spine-Health, Correct the Postural Fault and Tips for Backache and Spine-Health Click Here
People who are over-weight they suffer from health problems like indigestion, shortness of breath, fatigue and back pain. Due to over-weight, they impose a strain on their spines.
Spine throws weight to the posterior vertebral joints which make them prone to injury and degenerative change. Pregnant women have chances to suffer from back pain as they carry baby weight.
Anyone who suffers back pain needs to reduce weight and proper posture while walking and sitting for a long time.
Appearance to Check Self Weight
Stand in front of the mirror and take a complete body look. Still, your body has a youthful figure? Is your body shows the sign of middle age while you are still a youth? Did you notice double chin or flabbiness around the thighs? If so it is certainly overweight.
Maturity weight of Middle age People
At the age of 25 years, he/she was fit and active. As age grows some people put on weight which leads to chronic ill health. The solution is, need to participate in activities like walking, jogging, jumping or any other physical activity which reduces fat and keep the person healthy and strong.
Measurement for Skin-Fold
Through skin thickness measurement it is easy to discover whether you are overweight or not. Pinch the skin between forefinger and thumb and midway between the navel. If the fold is more than 2cm then consider it as you are overweight.
Lose Weight
People put on weight not because they eat more food but the activity or exercise level is decreased. Fat adults eat less than slim people. Extra walking 30 minutes in a day is the best activity to reduce weight. Take an extra stroll for 30 minutes in a day which burn around 5 kg within 8 months. Swim for 30 minutes thrice in a week which shed 6 kg in a year.
Add some more activities in your day you will find the pounds melting away. The result would be less strain on back and spine. Hands and legs muscles become strong and it increases the flexibility of spine and hip.
Note: If any serious health problem please consult your doctor immediately. In case of Pregnant women or any other serious health problem than the above tips should be followed under the guidance of your healthcare practitioner.
So, these were the Lower Back Pain & Backache Treatment-Fit Back-Slim Body. Let me know your views on the topic in the comments. If you like this article please share and like it. I will come back with new posts for Health, Recipes, and Herbal Beauty tips soon.
Keep visiting Take Care
This is extremely important advice, Sazia. I am older now (past 60), and I’ve gained a lot of weight, and now it’s so much harder to reverse things. Even walking a very short distance causes lower back pain to flare up. The answers are still the same for me, even now, but I would especially hope your younger readers would pay attention to what you are saying. Developing good habits when you’re young, and then continuing in those habits as you get older, will keep things from getting too bad when you are older.
Hi Willena Flewelling Thanks for feed back. You are right we need to develop good habits like exercises and other tips to keep ourselves healthy. Even now you can try these tips with doctors advice to rid of backache..Take care
Thanks Saza for these tips “Extra walking 30 minutes in a day is best activity to reduce weight. Take extra stroll for 30 minutes in a day which burn around 5 kg within 8 months. Swim for 30 minutes thrice in a week which shed 6 kg in a year.” I don’t swim but I do 4 to 5 hours a day of manual work.
Very good article. Visiting you from the PAC rotator.
Thanks for your feed back Kathryn Maclean. Yes if one follow these all tips they get rid of backache and spine pain. it is also useful to prevent backache and spine pain.
Tons of great info here. I am an internet marketer and often find myself stretching my back due to sitting and typing for long and extended hours.
Thanks for your feedback NT Izuchi. I think this post is useful to get rid of backache. For sitting posture to prevent backache and spine pain this is new post..