Dear Readers, Today the topic is Indigestion Causes and Cure, Home Remedies for Indigestion and Stomach Problems to get complete Cure, Indigestion Treatment Through Water, Exercises for Indigestion and Steps to Follow for Stomach and Digestion Problems. Indigestion or dyspepsia is a common ailment due to dietetic errors. It is because of the condition of the stomach in which digestive juices are improperly secret, resulting in discomfort. The process of digestion and the alimentary canal begins at the mouth. Lets know about Indigestion Causes and Cure.
The stomach looks like a pear-shaped pouch, which is the most important part of the body. The stomach forms part of the digestive tract in loops like a tube coiled length of nearly 27 feet. It varies in position and size depending on its capacity. Should not overload stomach as it will not function properly. It also gives pressure to the heart.
Symptoms of Indigestion
Abdominal pain, feeling heavy stomach after eating, loss of appetite, heartburn, nausea, excessive wind, vomiting, and gas are the common symptoms of indigestion. Bad taste in the mouth, foul breath, coated tongue, and pain in the upper abdomen.
Causes Indigestion
Due to overeating, eating rapidly, and not chewing properly, people feel distressed and discomfort in the abdomen. Eating frequently or overeating produces a feverish state and overtaxes the digestive organs. It produces excessive acid and the mucous membrane becomes congested which results in hyperacidity.
Overeating makes the work of the stomach kidneys, liver, and bowels harder. While food purifies, its poisons absorb back into the blood, and the whole system gets poisoned.
Many people won’t chew and gulp their food due to hurry or stress. In such cases, the stomach has to work harder and excess hydrochloride is secreted. Eating too fast causes swallowing air which forces some digestive fluids into the esophagus, leads to a stinging sensation, burning or sour taste, giving an illusion of stomach acid.
Improper cooking also leads to indigestion. Abdominal discomfort, gas and aggravate the existing condition due to fried, rich, and spicy food. Smoking and alcohol habit also leads to stomach upset. Through the gastrointestinal tract, constipation may interfere with the normal flow of undigested matter which results in gas and abdominal pain.
Some other causes of indigestion are insomnia, drinking too much water with meals, emotions such as fear, jealousy, anger, and lack of exercise.
Indigestion Cure
Cleansing of the digestive tract by the adoption of a proper diet and change in living style is the only effective treatment for indigestion. Need to follow a fruit diet for 5 days. After the fruit diet can add vegetables and buttermilk and juicy fruits to the diet for 10 days. Then he/she can follow a balanced diet.
fruit is the best treatment for indigestion as they clean body mechanism and flush out the undigested food residue, and accumulated feces, and re-establish health to perfect order.
Home Remedies for Indigestion and Stomach Problems
*Lemon is best for dyspepsia as it has the ability to strengthen and promote a healthy appetite.
*Orange is an effective remedy for chronic indigestion. It supplies nutrition in an easy form, gives rest to the digestive organs, strengthens the intestines, improves digestion, and increases appetite.
*Grape is an excellent remedy for stomach problems and indigestion. It relieves the heat and removes irritation and indigestion problems.
*Pineapple is beneficial in the treatment of dyspepsia. It is helpful to relieve digestive disorders of dyspeptics. Need to take a cup of pineapple juice after meals
Indigestion Treatment Through Water
After half an hour of meals Application of an ice bag over the stomach, cold friction bath daily, alternate cold and hot hip baths at night, and massaging of the abdomen are beneficial to get rid of indigestion problems. Always take one glass of water 40 minutes before food and 40 minutes after food.
Steps to Follow for Stomach and Digestion Problems
1. Never eat and take water together. Water or liquids should take before and after one hour of a meal. Buttermilk and vegetable soups can take with meals.
2. Chew food properly as much as possible, and never hurry through a meal.
3. while eating avoids feelings like worry, tiredness, excitement, and bad temper as such feelings affect the digestive juices including hydrochloride.
4. Never eat a full stomach. leave some space as it is good for digestion.
5. If any stomach problems or do not feel hungry don’t force yourself to eat take a juice diet and skip a meal.
6. Steaming vegetable is good for appetite.
7. Do not add too many varieties of food to the same meal. Never eat raw fruits and raw vegetables together as they require a different set of enzymes. Take starchy food and protein separately.
Exercise for Digestion
Yogic asana like sarvangasana, ardhmatsyasana, uttanpadasana, vajrasana, yogamudra, pavanmuktasana, shalabhasana, bhujangasana and shavasana.
Kriyas like kunjal, jalneti. Pranayamas like anuloma-viloma, kapalbhati, ujjai are excellent in the treatment of indigestion. Light exercises like golf and swimming, walking, and jogging also help in digestion.
Note: If any serious health problems please consult your doctor immediately. The above tips should follow Under the guidance of your healthcare practitioner.
So, these were the tips on Indigestion Causes and Cure. What are your views on the topic? Do let me know in the comments. If you like this article please share and rate it. I will come back with new posts for Health, Recipes, and Herbal Beauty tips soon.
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