Dear Readers, Let’s learn the Benefits Qualities, and Home Remedies of Lemon to Cure Diseases for a number of different diseases. Lemon grows all over the world. Lemons are green in color. It becomes yellow when it is matured. Lemon is universally a favorite and a must in the kitchen. We can make different types of food items with lemon-like Lemon Cake, Lemon Pie, lemon juice, lemon tea, lemon water, lemon cookies, etc.
Qualities in Lemon to Cure Diseases
The Ayurveda has regarded lemon as a very useful fruit and admired its properties. Lemon is sour in taste. It is light, warm, good for vision, promoter of gastric fire, and astringent. Its checks bile and works as a mouth cleanser. It dislodges phlegm (a cough).
Lime removes constipation and helps in digestion. Lemon expels the wind from the digestive tract. It prevents throat trouble, vomiting, acidity, and rheumatism. It is helpful to destroy intestinal worms. Lemon leaves off alkaline residues in the body and is acidic to the taste. So lemon is beneficial in all symptoms of acidosis.
Lemon has powerful antibacterial properties. It has been proved by experiments that the bacteria of cholera, diphtheria, malaria, typhoid, and other deadly diseases are destroyed in lemon juice. Lemon contains vitamin A, vitamin P and vitamin C. Lemon contains niacin and thiamin in small amounts.
Concentrated lemon juice is injurious to the enamel of teeth. it should be diluted with water before taking it. Lemon juice with cold water and honey take early morning on empty stomach to cleanse the body. It is also useful to reduce weight.
Need to take Lemon with warm water and honey to get relieved of constipation. Lemon is useful for mouth ulcers and also useful to cool our body. After eating chicken biryani or mutton biryani need to take lemon juice to avoid stomach problems.
Benefits – Home remedies of Lemon
Lemon to cure diseases prevents cold, malaria, and influenza. Lemon juice gives relief from fever. If it is mixed in water useful for quenching the thirst and also useful for diabetes. It is useful to get rid of abdominal disorders. Lemon act as a sedative for the heart and nerves.
Vitamin P in lemon strengthens the blood vessels. It is useful for high blood pressure. Lemon contains 7.2 percent of citric acid which is a very valuable ingredient. It is beneficial to the heart as it contains more potassium than apples or grapes.
Lemon is beneficial for teeth and bones. It helps in calcium metabolism. Lemon is useful for kidney and bladder disorders. It helps to cure hepatitis and another number of diseases. Lemon has been a blessing to mountaineers.
In case of difficulty in breathing due to insufficient oxygen, lemon comes to their rescue. Edmund Hillary, the first man to put his foot on the top of Mt. Everest, has admitted that due to lemon he achieved victory over Mt. Everest.
So, these were the tips on the Benefits of Lemon. What are your views on the topic? Do let me know in the comments. If you like this article please share and rate it. I will come back with new posts for Health, Recipes, and Herbal Beauty tips soon.
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